03 August 2023 - RIGHT Call 7 Briefing Webinar for Applicants
27 September 2023 - Deadline for the Research Management System (RMS) registration and remit enquiries*
11 October 2023 at 1pm UK time - Deadline for receipt of RIGHT Call 7 Stage 1 applications and PPDA Call 7 via the online RMS
January 2024 - Funding Committee review the applications and make recommendations
February 2024 - Applicants notified of outcome of Stage 1 and PPDA
February 2024 - Stage 2 opens for successful Stage 1 applicants
01 March 2025 - Expected contract start date

- The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is pleased to invite all eligible researchers to submit a research proposal(s) under the Digital Society Research Grant (DSRG) programme. The Call for Proposals (CFP) is now open from Tuesday, 1 August 2023 until 5:00 pm on Thursday, 31 August 2023.
- For further information, please visit the following link: [https://mcmc.gov.my/ms/
grants/2023-dsrg-cycle-2 ].
- A virtual information session is scheduled at 10:00 am on Tuesday, 8 August 2023. Attendance for this session is voluntary but highly encouraged as the session will include important advice and reminders on proposal submissions. You may register for the information session by completing this form at [https://rb.gy/qa1sf].
- For enquiries, please contact the secretariat: Ms. Atiqah Nabilah Mohd Salleh at 03-8688 7854 / Mr. Hidayat Fahmi at 03-8688 7968 / Ms. Bawani Sri Jayaveeran at 03-8688 8470 / Mr. Zachary Malik at 03-8688 8263 / Ms. Kasthuri Sri Tharan at 03-8688 8497 or by email with the subject “DSRG 2/2023 QUERY” to dsrg@mcmc.gov.my.
Thank you.
DSRG Secretariat
Research Enterprise Department
MCMC Academy
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission
2nd Floor, MCMC Centre of Excellent (CoE)
Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor

The maximum grant size in this programme is 500,000 Japanese yen per project for a maximum duration of two years.
To be eligible to receive a grant, applicants and their proposed research project must meet ALL the requirements listed below.
2.1 Eligible applicants
An applicant must:
be a national of developing country in the Asia-Pacific region
work full-time or be enrolled in a doctoral course, conducting research at a research institution or relevant organisation in one of the countries listed below:
be a young researcher/scientist, whose age is under 40;
have sufficient experience and skills in conducting and managing the proposed research;
be able to communicate in English;
not have another application to the NEF;
not have another on-going NEF-funded project at the time of application submission; AND
not have another NEF-funded project for the past two years.
2.2 Eligible research projects
A proposed research project must:
be scientific research contributing to the NATURE CONSERVATION of the country where the applicant currently works or studies;
put its main focus on LIVING ORGANISMS;
be carried out in the country where the applicant currently works or studies;
involve fieldwork for collecting data;
be the applicant’s own research work (team project is ineligible.);
achieve its objective(s) and submit interim and/or final reports within a scheduled project period of not less than one (1) year and not more than two (2) years; AND
be exclusively funded by the NEF Research Grant Programme, or co-funded with the applicant’s institution.
Examples of the research fields SUPPORTED in the past:
ecology, taxonomy, distribution, and current status of wildlife;
biodiversity (e.g., species diversity, genetic diversity, ecosystem diversity);
wild flora and fauna;
gathering information on threatened species and for recovery of ecosystem;
relationships between nature and humans (e.g., mutual interference, sustainable use of natural
economic valuation of natural environment; etc.
project lacking the viewpoint of nature conservation;
project aiming to develop agricultural, forestry, and/or fisheries industries;
project focusing on pollution problems;
project focusing on conducting public awareness activities;
project to be discussed and concluded only from interview results and/or reference;
project unable to be handled by a researcher but by a large group of researchers; etc.
guideline and application form are available at the website (https://www.nagaofoundation.
one (1) completed Application form BOTH in MS WORD (for our screening purpose (SCREENING FOR PLAGIARISM)* and PDF (for confirming signatures);
a filled Budget and timetable in Excel;
a filled Applicant’s background; and
one (1) Recommendation letter. (Please request from RMC at least TWO (2) weeks before the deadline)
All the required documents must reach the NEF Secretariat before/on 16 October 2023. Neither incomplete application documents nor delayed submission will be accepted.


The Strategic Research Fund (SRF) is a funding scheme in the form of grants to fund strategic research and high-impact top-down initiatives for the country based on current priority areas that have been identified. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) has taken the initiative to further strengthen the SRF scheme by applying through the request for proposal (RFP) method. Through this method, a solution for a specific problem or purpose can be obtained.

Dear YBhg. Tan Sri/ Dato’/ Prof./ Dr./Sir./ Mdm.,
We are pleased to inform you that the Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan (AADK) is inviting researchers to apply for their research grant, year 2023.
The objective of AADK Research Grants is to accelerate the generation of new theories, concepts, ideas and further becoming a catalyst for innovative discoveries and creations in the field of drug and substance abuse.
The funding of this research is a Malaysian government continuing efforts to combat drug addiction based on the National Drug Policy as well as improving the effectiveness of strategies to reduce the supply and demand for drugs in Malaysia.
Research Area
- Treatment and Rehabilitation;
- Prevention Education;
- Enforcement; and
- Policies and Laws Related to Drugs and Substances.
Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan
Kementerian Dalam Negeri
Aras 1, Blok A,
Jalan Maktab Perguruan Islam,
43000 Kajang,
(u.p: Cawangan Penyelidikan)

a) Sustainable City Development;
b) Economy based on Knowledge;
c) Advanced Manufacturing and Materials;
d) Health;
e) Electrical & Electronics;
f) Aerospace; and
g) Smart Agriculture.

In Spain, the participants will have to submit a formal R&D international project application through CDTI’s website https://sede.cdti.gob.
In Malaysia, submission must be done through MIGHT’s online application system at https://applications.might.
Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi
Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi
Aras 7, No.2, Menara 2, Jalan P5/6, Presint 5
62200 Putrajaya
No. Tel : 03-8870 6969
E-mel : danakhas.bkpi@mohe.gov.my

Mrs. Noran Wahida Jamaludin
Malaysian Industry Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT)
E-mail: noran@might.org.my
Malaysian side (MOHE)
Ms. Dinesh Kaur a/p Karpal Singh Department of Higher Education
E-mail: dinakaur@mohe.gov.my
Ms. Nor Amira Farhana Ahmad Zailani Department of Higher Education
E-mail: amira.zailani@mohe.
Mr. Ricardo Rubianes
Unit of Foreign Technological Action Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology - CDTI
Phone: +34 91 581 04 89
Mr. Adrián Gutiérrez
Delegation of CDTI to China and Southeast Asia
Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology - CDTI
E-mail : malasia@cdti.es
Website: www.cdti.es

This research aims to boost the generation of new Malaysian-style theories, concepts and ideas that are the catalyst for new discoveries that break through the boundaries of knowledge and innovative creation
Each application must meet one of the following research domains:-
- (a) Information and Communication Technology (ICT);
(b) Technology and Engineering (TK);
(c) Pure and Applied Science (STG);
(d) Clinical and Health Sciences (SKK);
(e) Social Science (SS);
(f) Arts and Applied Arts (SSI); and
(g) Environment and Heritage (WAS).
The maximum amount of funds for FRGS is RM250,000.00
The research period is two (2) years or three (3) years only

CEPI’s Innovations to Prepare for Future Epidemics and Pandemics Call for Proposals aims to support CEPI’s mission by advancing a broad range of vaccine innovations for pathogens with epidemic or pandemic potential, including novel pathogens capable of infecting and causing disease in humans (i.e., Disease X).
It will support vaccine research, development and manufacturing innovations for CEPI’s priority pathogens and contribute towards the 100 Days Mission, thereby helping the world prepare for known and future epidemic and pandemic threats.
Focus Area
Through the Innovations to Prepare for Future Epidemics and Pandemics Call for Proposals CEPI will advance cutting-edge vaccine development and manufacturing science and technologies that will contribute to speed, scale and equitable access during future outbreak response. It initially invites applications across three Focus Areas:
Focus Area 1: advancing innovative rapid-response vaccine platforms that can transform the response to a future Disease X.
Focus Area 2: developing new vaccine candidates against CEPI priority pathogens with epidemic or pandemic potential and viral families.
Focus Area 3: advancing manufacturing innovations that improve vaccine scalability and equitable access.
CEPI welcomes proposals for Focus Areas 1 and 2 on a rolling basis through 2026. Proposals for Focus Area 3 can be submitted through 12 February 2024. Call deadlines may be subject to amendment.
Additional Focus Areas may be introduced and updated over time as R&D gaps and needs are identified and addressed. Potential applicants should check back periodically for updates to Focus Areas. All proposals submitted as part of this Call will undergo an accelerated review process.
Please read detailed Call for Proposals texts for further information and details on how to apply.
Focus Area 1: call text and application template.
Focus Area 2: call text and application template.
Focus Area 3: call text and application template.
Potential applicants should review the relevant Focus Area for detailed information about project eligibility, application templates and submission/review timelines. Prior to submitting an application, CEPI strongly encourages you to contact the team at innovations.cfp@cepi.net to discuss your product, technology or innovation and confirm your proposed project is aligned with the current needs and priorities of one or more Focus Areas.
Please visit the website for further information of the grant: https://cepi.net/get_

- ICT for food
- ICT for Environment Protection and Disaster Prevention
- ICT for a Secure and Smart Community
- ICT for Health and Welfare
- ICT related Technologies and Applications
Evaluation period : March 2024
Notice of results : April 2024
- The institution of the applicant should be an ASEAN IVO member, and the applicant should be the project leader. Non-members can submit proposals for new projects as project leaders, but they must apply for membership and obtain approval before the deadline for proposal submission.
- The members of the proposed project must be at a minimum 2 institutions total, and from at least 2 different countries in the ASEAN region.
- Multiple institutions from one country as well as NICT and other Japanese institutions are also welcome to be members of a project team but will not count towards this minimum requirement.
- Institutions that are not members of ASEAN IVO can also be members of the project team.
- Leaders of ongoing projects cannot make new applications.
- Researchers can join a maximum of 2 projects as a project member, including ongoing projects..
- All institutions of project members should provide a “Certificate Letter” to certify the researchers of the institution have been authorized as project members to join the project team and the institution is ready to sign a “Collaborative Research and Development Agreement” for ASEAN IVO project..
Max. 40,000 US$/project/year
Around 5 projects will be selected in total. The duration of the project can be from 6 to 24 months.
If the duration is more than 12 months, the project will be reviewed once by the Steering Committee.
- For submission, please visit: https://naivo.org/2024/
proposal/instruction . The website will be open from November 10, 2023. - If you don’t have an ASEAN IVO account, please create an account following the instructions on the website.
- If you already have an account which you created last year or when you applied to join the ASEAN IVO Forum 2023, you can continue to use that.

Dear YBhg. Tan Sri/ Dato’/ Prof./ Dr./Sir./ Mdm.,
The Malaysian Social Innovation Initiative Program (MyIS Komuniti) is inviting researchers to apply for the Malaysia Social Innovation Fund for the year 2024.
The Malaysian Social Innovation Initiative Program (MyIS Komuniti) is an initiative under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) and the Malaysian Innovation Foundation (YIM) as the implementing agency. This program has been implemented since 2015.
This initiative also aims to apply the use of technology to meet social needs that are in line with the Government's policy to ensure that the country has highly knowledgeable, diverse, creative and innovative human capital to meet the country's needs by 2050, especially to achieve the Shared Prosperity Vision, in addition to facing the IR 4.0 boom.
Program Theme
The theme of the program is “Merakyatkan Sains, Menginsankan Teknologi”.
Improving the well-being of the community with priority for the B40 group and groups affected by the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic through the implementation of innovative local technology application projects that have been developed and are ready to be implemented sustainably.
Research Area
Fund up to RM 300,000.00 for innovative local projects
- The applicant is a Malaysian citizen
- Only projects with innovative local technology applications and a clear social mission are eligible to apply
- The project must be implemented in Malaysia

The late Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh was a prominent medical research scientist who had made invaluable contributions to the field of medical and scientific research and the laboratories in Malaysia. He has bequeathed his entire estate to the Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh Medical Research (RBS) Trust Fund, which promotes research in biomedical sciences.
Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) would like to invite all young Malaysian researchers in the field of medical or biomedical sciences in your institution to apply for the 2024 RBS Medical Research Grant. The RBS Research Grant will be awarded to one (1) Malaysian young scientist with a maximum amount of RM 50,000.00. Details of the application are as below:
Application period
: 1 January 2024 - 29 February 2024
Application link
Attached together is the official invitation letter with application information for your reference. For further information and enquiries, your office may contact the following ASM officers cc grantapplication@iium.edu.
my :
- Ms Pooveneswary Nagaiah, Analyst, STI Strategic Initiatives, Analytics and Partnership (SAP) (Email: pooveneswary@
akademisains.gov.my ; Tel: 03 6203 0633 ext 126); and- Ms Khairunnisa Kadaruddin, Analyst, STI Strategic Initiatives, Analytics and Partnership (SAP) (Email: khairunnisa@
akademisains.gov.my ; Tel: 03 6203 0633 ext 130).

Research collaboration between
(MyPAiR), Malaysia
We are pleased to inform you that the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) through the Department of Higher Education (JPT) and Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), United Kingdom has agreed to carry out research collaboration under the International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) program and Malaysia Partnership and Alliances in Research (MyPAiR). This research collaboration focuses on the use of the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source (ISIS) in the United Kingdom. ISIS is one of the research centers and facilities located at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford.
ISIS is capable of producing beams of neutrons and muons that allow scientists to study materials at the atomic level using various instruments. ISIS has carried out research involving more than 2,000 sciences that use neutrons and muons for research in physics, chemistry, materials science, geology, engineering, and biology.

Grants for International Research Collaborations
Dear Dato’/Prof./Assoc. Prof./Dr.,
The British Council is inviting applications from UK institutions for research proposals, offering grants of up to £100,000 (£125,000 full economic costs), to collaborate with international partners through the Department of Science, Innovation, and Technology's International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF).
Countries initially joining this call include Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam. ISPF research collaboration grants provide small-scale seed funding for collaborations between the UK and the participating ISPF countries/territories in each call to:
- initiate new research and innovation collaborations between academic groups, departments, and institutions in partner countries and the UK
- develop existing collaborations at group, departmental, and institutional levels
- encourage these collaborations to work with non-academic organizations and individuals to support the exchange of research and innovation expertise and the translation of research knowledge into tangible benefits
- establish local hubs for UK- partner country/territory activity in a particular area, enabling engagement from the wider research and innovation community.
Who can apply
Both UK and international partner researchers must be leading researchers or established researchers.
In addition, UK researchers must be:
- permanent employees at their institutions (emeritus and honorary professors may not apply as lead)
- working at a not-for-profit higher education institution or eligible research organization with the capacity to undertake high-quality research.
Please see the 'Research Collaborations Guidance for Applicants' for additional criteria.
How to apply: complete and submit your application using the online form at this link: https://britishcouncil2.
Application deadline: 12 March 2024, 12.00 noon UK time
If you require an alternative format for reasons of accessibility, please contact us at: UK-ISPF@british.council.
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Thank you.

Funds created for prototype development to bridge the gap between laboratory discovery/research until pre-commercialization. This includes proof of concept, evaluation, up-scaling, pre-clinical testing, and field testing.
This research aims to help bridge the gap between research findings and commercialization for the purpose of creating new technologies/inventions based on Malaysia in line with the needs of the K-Ekonomi and the implementation of the Model Ekonomi Baru.
· Pure and Applied Science
· Technology and Engineering
· Clinical and Health Sciences
· Social Sciences
· Arts and Applied Arts
· Natural and Cultural Heritage
· Information and Communication Technology
1. Applications as Principal Investigators (PI) are open to full-time academic staff (Professors, Associate Professors, Senior Lecturers, and Lecturers) at Public Universities, Private Universities, Private University Colleges, and Branch Universities and have at least a Master's Degree;
2. The Principal Investigator (PI) must have at least one (1) co-researcher who is a permanent Malaysian citizen who has the same expertise and from the same Institution as the Next Appointed Leader.
3. The Chief Researcher who is not a Malaysian citizen is allowed to apply on the condition that he must have a co-researcher who is a permanent Malaysian citizen in the same field of expertise and from the same Institution as the Next Appointed Leader.
The grant applied for must involve the production of one of the following:
1. The requested research proposal must involve the production of one of the following:-
a. Proof of Concept;
b. Evaluation;
c. Up-scaling;
d. Pre-clinical Testing; or
e. Field Testing
2. Prototype that impacts humanity and society for the purpose of increasing the value of life in the country and globally; or
3. Prototype that has the potential to generate new knowledge-based industries; or
4. Prototype that contributes to the country's strategic agenda.
The requested allocation must not exceed the amount of RM500,000.00.
The research period is between one (1) year or two (2) years only.

• the conservation, preservation, restoration, and presentation to the public of artefacts, buildings and archaeological sites produced by Islamic societies
• the work of libraries, museums and other public collections in the conservation, documentation, and presentation of artefacts and manuscripts produced by Islamic societies in their broadest sense, including the digitisation of archives and collections, and the training of conservation and curatorial staff
• the organisation of events intended to further research in the history of the art, architecture, archaeology, and material culture of Islamic societies, including colloquia and conferences, lectures, seminars and workshops, exhibitions, and attendance at such events
A2. Barakat Postgraduate Student & Early Career Award
Postgraduate students, early career professionals, and early career scholars who were awarded a doctorate after 30 June 2019, may apply for grants with an upper limit of £2000 towards the costs of travel for fieldwork, research and study relating to:
1. History of the art, architecture, and material culture of the Islamic world before circa 1920 CE
2. Archaeological investigation of the Islamic world
3. Conservation of artefacts, buildings and material culture produced in or for the Islamic world before circa 1920 CE
4. Libraries, museums, and other public institutions exhibiting the art and material culture of the Islamic world before circa 1920 CE
5. Education and training associated with (1) to (4) above
6. Conferences, exhibitions, and publications associated with (1) to (4) above

1) B2B Malaysia-Japan partnership on AI speciality lense in agriculture drone development.
2) Collaboration between Malaysia uni & Japan Research Center in R&D on fish alternative feed meal.
3) Capacity building activities of Malaysia melon farmers (involving digital technology or R&D) in collaboration with Japanese local cooperatives.
4) Research on low carbon paddy farming in Malaysia through smart farm management.
5) Calling for Japanese startups and companies who want to expand into Malaysia's floriculture ecosystem using digital solutions.
6) Calling for Japanese companies/organizations to showcase Japanese technology/R&D in MAHA 2024.

1. Only ONE (1) application per staff. A minimum of three (3) co-researchers are required;
a) Professors
b) Associate Professors ; OR
c) Assistant Professors
3. The applicant is not on study leave;
4. Proposals associated with the IIUM Flagships may also be submitted provided they are research-based;
6. Proposals for non – research projects will not be entertained
• The maximum budget by the University is RM 20,000.00.
• The collaborative partners shall contribute the same amount as the applicant for the conduct of the project by their respective researchers.
• i.e. Applicant applied RM 15,000.00 the collaborator shall match with the same amount.
• The application of the grant may follow the following table:
Research projects shall be completed within a period of 24 months from the commencement date as specified in the offer letter.
• The research should lead to at least:
Two (2) article publications in indexed journals (WoS/Scopus/ERA/MyCITE). One of those publications must be indexed in the Web of Science (WoS). The publications must be co-authored by national or international researchers or researchers/collaborators from the industry.
• Researchers shall acknowledge all fellow research collaborators and all sources of
funding openly in any publication or publicity.
1. RMS V2 User Manual
![Image of Deadline: Mon,1 Apr 2024, [INVITATION] CALL FOR PROPOSAL 2024 NOW OPEN – MCMC DIGITAL SOCIETY RESEARCH GRANT (CYCLE 1)](https://research.iium.edu.my/storage/1709262962-[image]-FP DSRG.png.webp)
- The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is pleased to invite all eligible researchers to submit research proposal(s) under the Digital Society Research Grant (DSRG) programme. The Call for Proposals (CFP) is now open from Friday, 1 March 2024 until 5:00 pm on Monday, 1 April 2024.
- A virtual information session is scheduled at 10:00 am on Friday, 8 March 2024. Attendance for this session is voluntary but highly encouraged as the session will include important advice and reminders on proposal submissions. You may register for the information session by completing this form at [https://rb.gy/h6r73h].
- For further information, please visit the following link: [https://mcmc.gov.my/en/
grants/2024-dsrg-cycle-1 ].
- For enquiries, please contact the secretariat: Ms. Atiqah Nabilah Mohd Salleh at 03-8688 7854 / Ms. Bawani Sri Jayaveeran at 03-8688 8470 / Mr. Zachary Malik at 03-8688 8263 / Ms. Kasthuri Sri Tharan at 03-8688 8497 or by email with the subject “DSRG 1/2024 QUERY” to dsrg@mcmc.gov.my.
Thank you.

The Strategic Research Fund (SRF) is a funding scheme in the form of grants to fund strategic research and high-impact top-down initiatives for the country based on current priority areas that have been identified. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) has taken the initiative to further strengthen the SRF scheme by applying through the request for proposal (RFP) method. Through this method, a solution for a specific problem or purpose can be obtained.
Strategic Research Fund - Request for Proposal (SRF-RFP) aims to provide funds to finance projects that support the implementation of policies, roadmaps, action plans or government initiatives through the RFP. Solutions for specific problem statements in the form of new innovative technologies, products or processes are expected to have a significant impact on the country's socioeconomics in line with the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (DSTIN).
3. An online application system that facilitates the process for any service application for citizens
4. Automated system for application processing and online government services with a clear audit trail

2. Preparation to develop research performance among new researchers in order to be competitive at the national and international level.
3. Apply the mentoring method as a requirement in the implementation of research projects.
Each application must meet one of the following research domains:-
- (a) Information and Communication Technology (ICT);
(b) Technology and Engineering (TK);
(c) Pure and Applied Science (STG);
(d) Clinical and Health Sciences (SKK);
(e) Social Science (SS);
(f) Arts and Applied Arts (SSI); and
(g) Environment and Heritage (WAS).
The maximum amount of fund is RM30,000.00
The research period is two (2) years only
2. Active academic staff with permanent positions, grade 52/51 and below and a PhD degree;
3. Have experience as an academic not exceeding seven (7) years;
4. Never received any research grant from the Ministry Higher Education as project leader;
5. Each applicant is allowed to submit only one (1) application only at each phase;
6. Applicants can only receive one FRGS-EC grant throughout the service;
7. A mentor should be identified and appointed among the experienced academic staff (holding grade 54 and up above) from their respective universities or other universities in the same field and expertise.
2. This initiative can help and encourage researchers to continue research based on the results of initial research up to applied/experimental research that can benefit not only the industry but also the community.
3. This strategic initiative can optimize the sharing of funds, technology, human resources and expertise between the University/Polytechnic and industry.
The maximum amount of fund is RM500,000.00

i. student/community associations;
iii. non-governmental organizations (NGOs); and
iv. agencies or companies that carry out awareness activities and STI* culture.

1. Conditions required for Applicant
2) The applicant must conduct research at university, college, or associated institute in Malaysia (except private sectors).
3) The applicant shall be a young academician under 40 years of age. For PhD candidates, an approval from Supervisor is required(note: a master student is not allowed to submit a proposal).
2. Application period
Starting on March 1st, 2024 (Japan Standard Time)
Closing on May 15th, 2024 (Japan Standard Time)
3. Selection
4. Conditions and Obligations of the Grant Recipients:
Refer to Letter of Acceptance (form#: KWEF-24RGA-F52)
5. How to apply
* The Web application site goes live at 0:00 on March 1st, 2024 (JST), and expires at 24:00 on May 15th, 2024 (JST)
* Application is acceptable only through the KWEF Web application site.
* KWEF shuts down acceptance of applications after expiration of the Web application site.
* No registered information is changeable once after your completion of application in the Web application site (your submitted information automatically goes to KWEF selection committee)
* Application has to be done by applicant herself/himself
6. Inquiry

Applicants for research grant proposals (identified as “CRPs”) should hold positions at Universities or Research Institutes in any of the ICGEB Member States.
International collaboration is an essential feature of all ICGEB grants and must be fully integrated into the project. Active collaboration with ICGEB Research Groups is welcome but not mandatory. Particular attention will be given to projects addressing issues of interest for specific geographic regions and presented by groups collaborating across more than one country.
Investigating groups do not qualify for submission of applications:
- if previously awarded projects have not been evaluated and satisfactorily concluded;
- if the University or Research Institute of the Principal Investigator is based in Italy.
A special category of CRP-ICGEB Early Career Return Grants is intended to fund young researchers with an outstanding track record, who have spent a minimum of 2 years abroad and have recently returned to an ICGEB Member State to establish their own independent laboratories.
Applicants for Early Career Return Grants should be no more than 40 years of age at the time of application.
Applicants should have returned to an ICGEB Member State (except Italy) no more than 2 years prior to submitting the application.
Topics of interest to ICGEB
- basic life sciences
- human and animal healthcare
- industrial biotechnology
- agricultural biotechnology
- bioenergy
Tel: +39-040-3757382
Email: crp@icgeb.org cc grantapplica

We are pleased to inform you of the OPENING of Public-Private Research Network 2.0 (PPRN 2.0) for the year 2024 (PHASE 2/2024).
Opening date |
13 May 2024 (Monday) |
Closing date for online submission to RMC
29 MAY 2024 (WEDNESDAY) |
Internal Evaluation by IIUM
Final recommendation by RMC to MOHE through the PPRN system
30 May 2024(Thursday) – 12 June 2024 (Wednesday)
13 June 2024(Thursday) – 14 June 2024 (Friday) |
MOHE Closing Date |
14 June 2024 (Friday)
Method of application
Online through the following link:
Recording of PPRN briefing scheduled on 17 January 2022 |
Recording of COFFEE TALK: KTP & PPRN SESSION scheduled on 12 May 2022 |
Recording of Sharing session on PPRN Grant Application by Dr. Nor Aiman bin Sukindar, KOE, IIUM |
Link for telegram for inquiry on online application system https://t.me/+qP2E_NS2ehpmNTM1
PPRN System Walkthrough |
PPRN Guideline |
Video 1: Sharing session on PPRN Grant Application by Dr. Nor Aiman bin Sukindar, KOE, IIUM Video 2: COFFEE TALK: KTP & PPRN SESSION |
PPRN Objectives
Based on the concept of "Knowledge friendly ecosystem", PPRN strives to strengthen the relationship between public and private networks through the provision of solutions from HEIs & PRIs to the industry. This initiative is designed to increase productivity through innovation and appropriate technology and encourage participation to provide solutions based on industry demand.
The Public Private Research Network known as PPRN is an innovative initiative of the Ministry of Higher Education to encourage demand-based innovation programs in driving increased productivity and strengthening the development of Malaysia's economy since 2014.
This program targets product innovation to improve or add value to existing industry products, especially those based on technology or certification. In addition, this program also aims to improve product production processes, resource components, warehouses, logistics, delivery methods or services.
PPRN website https://epprn.mohe.
For further inquiries on the grant application, please email to pprn.kpt@mohe.gov.my/khairi
Thank you. Wassalam.

15 MAY 2024 - 15 JUNE 2024
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the opening of the KAED Research Grant 2024 (KAED-RG) 2024. Below are specific terms for KAED-RG 2024 over and above the guidelines and procedures provided for KAED-RG.
The objectives of this grant are to enhance the research culture in IIUM and to promote collaboration between IIUM researchers and researchers from other universities and the industry. It is also aimed at supporting research on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Malaysia Madani.
The duration of the grant is within the maximum 24-month research duration.
i. Maximum budget amount grants allocated RM 50,000 from KAED Trust Fund, funding amount RM 5000 per researcher.
ii. All publication and related costs are to be borne by this grant;
iii. Attending overseas conferences or any local training is not supported by this grant. However, attending local conferences is subject to the fund availability and the outputs have been produced.
iv. Purchasing of research equipment is not allowed by this grant Researchers are required to produce 1 index journal on Social Science or Arts and Humanities
i. Researchers are required to produce 1 index journal on Social Science or Arts and Humanities
ii. Researchers shall acknowledge this grant as a source of funding KAED Research grant and include the names and affiliations of all fellow research collaborators in any publication or publicity.
i. Interested researchers are kindly invited to apply for this grant by completing the application in the RMC online application system (RMSV2) from 15 May 2024 - 15 June 2024.
ii. All decisions by the relevant communities are final.
For inquiries, please email Prof. TPr. Dr. Mariana Mohamed Osman (mariana@live.iium.edu.my) / Ms. Nurul Haziqah (nurulhaziqah@iium.edu.my).
*Note: KAED-RG Guidelines click here.
We look forward to receiving your applications and we wish you all the best!
Thank You. Wassalam.

YBhg. Tan Sri / Datuk / Dato '/ Prof. / Dr. / Sir / Madam,
The Wang Gungwu Visiting Fellows Programme honours Professor Wang Gungwu, former Chairman of the Board of Trustees at ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute (ISEAS) for his distinguished tenure of 17 years and for his key contributions in nurturing a strong culture of research excellence at ISEAS.
The programme aims to build the next generation of scholars and policy makers exploring the nexus of big-power relations and its impact on Southeast Asia, through policy relevant and contemporary research on international politics and security, regional economics and digital technology, in the following priority areas of research:
· Developments in US-China relations and their impact on Southeast Asia
· Asia Pacific security issues (e.g. South China Sea, China-ASEAN relations)
· Progress and prospects of global/regional economic cooperation initiatives
(e.g. Belt and Road Initiative and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership)
· Rise of China and its impact on Southeast Asian communities
· Use of digital media and technology by countries to further their interests and influence perceptions in Southeast Asian countries
Fellowships may be for a minimum of two (2) months, up to a period of six (6) months, subject to approval by ISEAS. Successful applicants are expected to be in residence at ISEAS for the duration of their fellowship.
Expected Outputs and Publication Opportunities
Wang Gungwu Visiting Fellows (WGWVF) are required to contribute to ISEAS Perspective and Fulcrum publications in the areas of their research and speak at an in-house seminar on their research findings during their fellowship at ISEAS. As WGWVF, researchers will be part of a network of regional scholars and are welcome to contribute to ISEAS after their fellowship.
The Wang Gungwu Visiting Fellows Programme is intended for post-doctoral research fellows and mid-career policymakers.
For mid-career policymakers, we welcome applicants who may not have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree, provided that their CV/Resume can ascertain an appropriate level of professional experience and research interest.
Application Requirements
Application period for the 2025 intake: 6 May – 2 August 2024.
Applicants must submit:
1. Cover Letter
2. CV/Resume
3. Research Statement (3 pages, double-spaced) addressing:
4. Area of research, research methodology, timeline, and expected outputs
5. Duration of fellowship in residence at ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute
6. Two Reference Letters
7. Proposal for partial/full cost-sharing (if applicable)
Apply Now
1. All applications must be received no later than Friday 02 August 2024.
2. Submit the application via email to: development@iseas.edu.sg
Application for ISEAS Wang Gungwu Visiting Fellows Programme 2025 – [First Name and Last Name]
3. The two referees should provide the Letters of Reference via email to: development@iseas.edu.sg
For enquiries on this programme, please contact:
Mr Malcolm Yiong
Assistant Director, Development
ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute
30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119614
Website: https://www.iseas.

We are pleased to inform you of the opening of applications for Social Innovation and Social Research fund by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) in 2024. In line with the Kajian Separuh Penggal Rancangan Malaysia Kedua Belas (RMK12) to increase the role of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in social innovation and research related to the development of a sustainable society, MOHE has been mandated to implement the Social Innovation and Social Research Program.
(b) increased income of the community involved; or/and
(c) creation of new job opportunities; or/and
(d) environmental sustainability
- Social Innovation - Social innovation will be implemented by UA and Polytechnic Premier with social enterprise (must get at least social enterprise certificate (SE.B) by the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP);
- Social Research - Social studies will be implemented by UA and Polytechnic Premier and can collaborate with the following organizations;
• Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
• Koperasi
• Registered Association
(b) Application Information
(c) Conclusion and Closing
(d) Attachment
i. Purpose of the program/project;
ii. Program/project justification;
iii. Target group;
iv. Impact;
• to the target group (includes impact social and economic);
• to the environment (if any); and
• to the government (if any)
v. Social enterprises or entities involved;
i. Allocation details;
vii. Implementation planning; and
viii. The chief researcher and the team responsible.

Assalaamu’alaykum waRahmatullahi waBarakatuh.
YBhg. Tan Sri / Datuk / Dato’ / Prof. / Assoc. Prof. / Dr. / Sir / Madam,
May this email reach you in the best of health and Iman by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.
We wish to inform you that the application for the KOED SIDEK BABA COMMUNITY-BASED RESEARCH GRANT 2024 has been extended until 30 September 2024.
This is a community-based research project type of grant that is meant for KOED academic staff who have the expertise in a certain field to undertake a community-based project to help the community and industry to achieve capacity building attributed to the knowledge transfer by the experts (academician).
It is important that the academician who applied for this grant must already have the body of knowledge from previous research or project findings ready to be transferred to the community and industry concerned. Therefore, once the grant is awarded, the project leader and team are ready to execute the project for the beneficiary. The collaborator (community and industry) must have a genuine problem/issue in their organisation that requires intervention by an expert team to help them with capacity building.
The objectives of the proposal are as follows:
1) to enhance the quantity and quality of research output from the Kulliyyah in terms of intellectual property and impactful research findings.
2) to foster collaboration between the Kulliyyah and external parties (community and industry) that will lead to the exchange of ideas, resources, and expertise, which can enhance the quality and impact of research outcomes.
1) Open to ALL KOED academic staff who are currently NOT Principal Investigators.
2) Priority is given to those who never had the opportunity to be a Principal Investigator (PI).
3) A minimum of one (1) co-researcher is required
4) The applicant is NOT on study leave or secondment.
The grant amount per project is up to a maximum of RM5,000.
The duration of the project is 24 months.
Interested academic staff are kindly invited to apply for the grant via Research Management System Version 2 (RMSV2) under the KOED Sidek Baba Community-Based Research grant.
Applicants are required to get the Letter of Collaboration / Letter of Intent with the selected community and industry and upload the letter via RMSV2.
All decisions by the relevant bodies are final.
Kindly refer to the attachment for further details of the community grant.
For any inquiries, please email the Head of Research, KOED: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aishah Hanim Abd Karim (aishahanim@iium.edu.my).
We look forward to receiving your applications and we wish you all the best!
Thank You. Wassalam.

Assalamualaikum and warm greetings,
YBhg. Dato'/Prof./Assoc. Prof./Dr.,
We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to bring to your attention an important matter.
2. As you may already be aware, the Ministry of Higher Education (KPT) has introduced the Malaysia Laboratories for Academia-Business Collaboration (MyLAB) program. This initiative aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry in the commercialization of research products by providing pre-commercialization funds. The program is aligned with the growing demands for local technological advancements, innovation, and knowledge transfer. It is expected to drive the commercialization of research products and technologies, particularly in cutting-edge fields.
3. We would like to inform you that the MyLAB 1/2024 grant application opens on 19 August 2024, with the closing date set for 30 October 2024. The MyLAB Grant Guidelines (2024 Amendment) are attached for your reference and can also be downloaded from the Greater Malaysia Research Network System (MyGRANTS) at https://mygrants.gov.my/.
4. For your kind information, RMC will, accordingly conduct an initial screening and submit/recommend a maximum of three (3) potential project proposals to the MyLAB secretariat. These project proposals should be prepared using the 'project pitching' slide format as prescribed by JPT, KPT, as outlined in Appendix B. Please ensure that the slides are submitted to the RMC not later than Monday, 9 September 2024. For any inquiries, please contact Br.Ami Nordin Bin Ismail at amiluq@iium.edu.my or 03-64215007/ 019-2736483.
5. Applications shortlisted after the 'project pitching' evaluation will need to submit a full proposal for the MyLAB grant. Five (5) printed copies of the completed MyLAB Grant Application Form must be submitted by 30 October 2024 through the Technology Transfer Office (TTO)/Research Management Center (RMC) or an equivalent office at your university. Additionally, a soft copy of the application and other relevant documents should be stored on a USB drive and sent to the MyLAB secretariat. The TTO/RMC/equivalent office should also verify and submit the complete application form, along with the MyLAB Grant Application Summary Form and the MyLAB Grant Application Document Delivery Checklist, to the following address:
MyLAB Secretariat
Division of IPT Research Excellence (BKPI)
Department of Higher Education
Ministry of Higher Education
Level 7, No. 2, Tower 2, Jalan P5/6, Precinct 5
6. Your attention and cooperation in this matter are highly appreciated, and I extend my sincere thanks in advance for your efforts.
Thank you.

The British Council in Malaysia invites applications from UK institutions to collaborate with Malaysia partners for research proposals. The ISPF is designed to enable potential and foster prosperity. It puts research and innovation at the heart of our international relationships, supporting UK researchers and innovators to work with peers around the world on the major themes of our time: planet, health, tech, and talent.
The fund is managed by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and delivered by a consortium of the UK’s leading research and innovation bodies.
You can find all the British Council Opportunities on the website: https://
In addition, you may view the recording of the webinar here: https://drive.google.
Please be reminded that application deadline is on 6 October 2024, 12.00pm BST. Applications need to be submitted through https://grants.
Thank you.

Strategic Research Fund - Request for Proposal (SRF-RFP) aims to provide funds to finance projects that support the implementation of policies, roadmaps, action plans or government initiatives through the RFP developed. Solutions for specific problem statements in the form of innovative new technologies, products or processes are expected to produce a significant impact on the country's socioeconomics in line with the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (DSTIN).

We are pleased to inform you of the OPENING of Public-Private Research Network 2.0 (PPRN 2.0) for the year 2024 (PHASE 3/2024).
Opening date |
24 Sep 2024 (Tuesday) |
Closing date for online submission to RMC
9 OCT 2024 (WEDNESDAY) |
Internal Evaluation by IIUM
Final recommendation by RMC to MOHE through the PPRN system
10 Oct 2024(Thursday) – 17 Oct 2024 (Thursday)
18 Oct 2024 (Friday) |
MOHE Closing Date |
20 Oct 2024 (Sunday)
Method of application
Online through the following link:
Recording of PPRN briefing scheduled on 17 January 2022 |
Recording of COFFEE TALK: KTP & PPRN SESSION scheduled on 12 May 2022 |
Recording of Sharing session on PPRN Grant Application by Dr. Nor Aiman bin Sukindar, KOE, IIUM |
Link for telegram for inquiry on online application system https://t.me/+qP2E_NS2ehpmNTM1
PPRN System Walkthrough |
PPRN Guideline |
Attached |
The Public Private Research Network known as PPRN is an innovative initiative of the Ministry of Higher Education to encourage demand-based innovation programs in driving increased productivity and strengthening the development of Malaysia's economy since 2014.
Product Innovation
Improving or adding value to existing industry products especially those based on technology or towards certification
Process Innovation
Improving product production processes, sourcing components, warehousing, logistics, delivery methods or services; align to make it more efficient and effective with technology in line with Industry 4.0
Project Financing Commitments & Mechanisms
PPRN offers matching grants of up to RM350,000 for demand-driven innovation projects where the company's commitment is based on company size.
PPRN website https://epprn.mohe.
For further inquiries on the grant application, please email to pprn@mohe.gov.my cc grantap
Thank you. Wassalam.

Dear all SASMEC @IIUM and IIUM communities,
We are pleased to announce the opening of SASMEC @IIUM Research Grant 2024 (SRG 2024). The main objective of the establishment of SASMEC @IIUM Research Grant is to empower research culture in Sultan Ahmad Shah Medical Centre @IIUM (SASMEC @IIUM) as one of the leading teaching hospitals in Malaysia.
The details of the grant are as follows:
Research Areas
1. The focus of this gr
2. Research must be conducted in SASMEC @IIUM, or SASMEC @IIUM is included as part of a multicentre research.
3. The research must pr
Duration of Research Grant:
The duration of the grant is two (2) years.
Criteria of Eligibility
1. Open to all SASMEC @
2. A staff is eligible for only one (1) application as Pr
3. A minimum of one (1) co-researcher is required.
4. At least one (1) aca
5. For non-SASMEC @IIUM staff applicants, at least one (1) SASMEC @IIUM staff or an academician who practises in SASMEC @IIUM must be included as a PI or co-researcher.
6. Junior applicants ar
7. Those who are on stu
Grant Amount
The grant ceiling of funding for each proposal is capped at RM 20,000.00.
Required Research Output
1. Researchers are required to publish within the 24-month of the research duration.
2. The required research output are as follows:
(a) One (1) publication in indexed journal; or
(b) One (1) publication in MyCite journal; or
(c) Two (2) publications in non-indexed journals.
Grant Application Procedures
All researchers are kindly invited to apply for this grant by completing the application in the IIUM Research Management System V2.0 (RMSV2) https://rmsv2.iium.
Kindly refer to the following documents for further details:
1. SASMEC @IIUM Research Grant (SRG) Terms of Reference and Guidelines for Application
2. SASMEC @IIUM Research Grant 2024 (SRG 2024) Flowchart of Application
3. Research Application Module User Manual
For inquiries, please kindly contact the following staff from the Department of Education and Research (DEAR), SASMEC @IIUM:
1. Sr. Roswati binti Nawi [roswatinawi@iium.edu.my | 09-5912510]
2. Sr. Khairunnissa’ binti Imran [nissa@iium.edu.my | 09-5912500 ext 1078]
We look forward to receiving your application and we wish you all the best!
Thank you. والسلام
Hospital Director
Sultan Ahmad Shah Medical Centre @IIUM (SASMEC @IIUM)

This funding is made available by the EU-ASEAN Sustainable Connectivity Package –Higher Education Programme (SCOPE-HE), which is funded by the European Union and aims to enhance exchange and connectivity in higher education, research, and technical vocational education and training (TVET). This programme is implemented by the Dutch Organisation for internationalisation in education (Nuffic) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Funding Details
• Number of available grants: 3
• Maximum amount per grant: €545,000
• Funding period: January 2025 to December 2027
Focus Area
1. Green Transition
2. DigitalTransformation
3. Blue Economy
Activities ineligible for funding
• Representative trips without academic interests, and excursions.
• Extended (more than 50 days) research stays of researchers, staff and PhD students.
• Trips for the purpose of contract initiation.
The proposal for project funding in English must be submitted on time and in complete form to the following email addresses: scope-he@daad.de
In addition, the following documents must be sent in one email, in PDF format:
Please refer to the attached document for further information
1. Project description (refer to Annexe 1).
2. Detailed budget for all implementation years (see Annexe 2).
3. Project planning overview (refer to Annexe 3).
4. Endorsement by the university management (see Annexe 4).
5. If sub-granting: project description and financing plan of the Sub-grantee (if known at the time of application, otherwise to submit information as soon as it is available).
6. Dedicated justification of the own interest in the project on the part of the partner institution
7. Signed cooperation agreement(s) on the partnership between the participating EU and ASEAN Cluster Members, otherwise to provide justification if this is submitted after the conclusion of the contract.
8. Short curriculum vitae and a list of the five most relevant publications of the project leaders and partners on both sides.
After the application deadline, changes to the financing plan, the project description as well as subsequently submitted or amended documents can no longer be considered. Incomplete applications will be excluded from the selection process.
In deviation from this, signed cooperation agreements on the partnership/partnerships between Cluster Members can be submitted later until the contract is concluded, but this must be justified in the timely application
Ms Polixeni Georgiadou (Bonn) - scope-he@daad.de
Ms Olivia Deskarina (Jakarta) - scope-he@daad.de
Attachment: Scope HE

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
May this email reach you while you are in the best of health and Iman by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.
Dear YBhg. Tan Sri/ Dato’/ Prof./ Dr./Sir./ Mdm.,
The National Commission for UNESCO Malaysia (SKUM) was established on 7 July 1966 as a point of reference and link between Malaysia as a UNESCO member with the United Nations (UN) agency, especially in advancing the fields of education, science, culture, communication and information at the national and regional level.
SKUM as the national reference point for UNESCO in Malaysia plays a role in encouraging the participation of government agencies and non-governmental organizations in Malaysia in implementing programs and activities based on competency areas and UNESCO priorities at the national level. This includes promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
(i) Awareness of Memory of The World (documents that recognized by UNESCO such as heritage books, films and others);
(ii) Climate change (water resource management, natural resource conservation, disaster management and others);
(iii) Advocacy for the rights and interests of vulnerable groups (the disabled, children, women and others);
(iv) Digital transformation initiatives, Artificial awareness and governance Intelligence (AI);
(v) Development of capacity and mental well-being of youth;
(vi) Education for Sustainable Development (Education for Sustainable development);
(vii) Global Citizenship Education (Global Citizenship Education);
(viii) Humane Education;
(ix) STEAM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Arts) and digital;
(x) Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET); and
(xi) Conservation and preservation of cultural heritage.
Application for program allocation does not involve the following:
(i) purchase of assets and infrastructure projects;
(ii) payment of emoluments (example: Facilitator allowance, Research Assistant, enumerator etc);
(iii) travel and accommodation claims;
(iv) competition prizes and participant consolation payments; as well as
(v) other things that are not compatible with the desired program implemented.
Submit the application to akmal.fahmi@mohe.gov.my and copied to fazlina.shahid@mohe.gov.my , skum.gss@moe.gov.my and grantapplication@iium.edu.my no later than 25 October 2024 (Friday) before 5.00 pm. Late applications will not be processed for the next stage.
Application form and the guidelines are attached.
Telephone No.: 03 – 8872 1549
Email: skum.gss@moe.gov.my cc grantapplication@iium.edu.my
Please download the guidelines and form here.
Thank you and we wish the best of luck in your application.

Dear YBhg. Tan Sri/ Dato’/ Prof./ Dr./Sir./ Mdm.,
The National Accountant Department of Malaysia (JANM) has opened the 2025 Public Sector Accounting and Finance Research Grant. This initiative aims to encourage the implementation of public sector accounting and finance development research projects in terms of theory, concepts and practice as well as documenting empirical information that can contribute to the development of accounting practice in the public sector.
All interested applicants are requested to refer to the 2025 Public Sector Accounting and Finance Research Grant Guidelines (Ver. 1.0) (as in Appendix A) for reference. The application closing date is 31 October 2024 (Thursday). Shortlisted applications will be contacted within two (2) months from the closing date.
Applications can be made by submitting the completed Research Grant Application Form (IPNCPD/RGAF/1/2020) (as in Appendix I) and the Research Proposal Paper (if necessary) to the following address:
Research Development Unit
Professional Development Center (IPNCPD)
National Accounting Institute
Accountant General Department of Malaysia
Floor 1, Tower 2, Wisma Mustapha Kamal
Neocyber, Cyber 12
63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor
(A copy of the application can also be submitted via email to research@anm.qov.my cc grantapplication@iium.edu.my)
Attached is a slide of the 2025 Public Sector Accounting and Finance Research Grant Application Briefing held on 3 October 2024 (Thursday) for your attention and reference while completing the application.
Should you have any inquiry, please contact the following personnel:
Anati Zawana binti Rahmat
03-8324 4406 / 019-358 2404
Siti Munirah binti Ab Magid
03-8324 4409 / 019-554 8362
Amran bin Abdullah
03-8324 4501 / 019-635 8457
Talian Am IPNCPD
03-8324 4400
Thank you.

ii. (Space Technology);
iii. (Blockchain);
iv. (Energy Storage Technology);
v. (Advanced Material Technology); or
vi.(Human Vaccine)
Should you need further information, please reach the SRF-RFP Malaysia - China secretariat via email: urusetia.ted1@mosti.gov.my cc grantapplication@iium.edu.my or at 03-8885824/8703/8318/8077/

We are pleased to share that the Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) is inviting you to apply for the Indonesia-Malaysia: Grand Challenge. Based on the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Research and Innovation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BRIN) and the Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) signed on 19 June 2024, this call is launched to enhance the cooperative activities in the field of research and development between two countries. The main objective of this call is to support research and development projects to promote scientific and technological cooperation between two countries through the synergy between both countries’ teams.
- Producing a new product
- Increasing the product quality or standards
- Developing new techniques to reduce costs and increase standards
- Developing new production technologies
2. The project proposal must be within one or more of the specific research priority areas described in Section D.
3. Indonesian and Malaysian-based teams must each be led by a Principal Investigator (PI) from each country.
4. Each project should have a Project Coordinator who will be selected from the PIs of the proposal and this person is responsible for coordinating the whole consortium (Indonesia and Malaysia Collaboration).
Specific Eligibility Criteria for Malaysia Consortium:
2. The Malaysian team from the private sector, academy, or public sector, which is eligible for funding, can receive up to RM 500,000.00 (inclusive of 8% SST) of funding per proposal in total.
2. The partners should agree with each other using their means of communication and jointly develop and complete their project proposals before submitting them to BRIN and MIGHT. BRIN and MIGHT do not match the collaborating partners.
3. The Joint project proposals must provide detailed information on the objectives and justification of the planned joint research work, the methodology to be followed, the composition of each research team and the intended schedule.
4. Because projects are bilateral, they must demonstrate equivalence in effort from the Malaysian and Indonesian partners. The project must have one common work plan with both the Malaysia and Indonesia partners having main roles and responsibilities.
5. The size of the grant may vary depending on the needs of each project and must be fully justified. Applicants need to ensure that supported elements of the proposal abide by all regulations for both funding agencies.
Malaysian partners will need to first register their interest via MIGHT’s online application system http://applications.might.org.
Head of International Partnership Unit


AI in the quality assurance of higher education involves leveraging advanced technologies to ensure continuous improvement in teaching, learning, and institutional practices.

An educational framework or approach that integrates environmental sustainability, ecological awareness, and social responsibility into the curriculum.

Refers to the broader transformation of TVET in response to the digital revolution and the changes brought about by digital technologies.


1. Guidelines for Higher Education Research Grants (GPPT) 2025 MQA
2. GPPT 2025 Application Form
Bahagian Dasar dan Perancangan Strategik
Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA)
Mercu MQA
No. 3539, Jalan Teknokrat 7, Cyber 5
63000 Cyberjaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Should you need further information, email to upstrategik@mqa.gov.my cc grantapplication@iium.edu.my or contact MQA officers as follows:

This research aims to boost the generation of new Malaysian-style theories, concepts and ideas that are the catalyst for new discoveries that break through the boundaries of knowledge and innovative creation
Each application must meet one of the following research domains:-
The maximum amount of fund for FRGS is RM250,000.00
The research period is two (2) years or three (3) years only
Date | Matter | Medium | Responsible Individual/Institution |
5 Nov 2024/Tue | Researcher Profile Update on MyGRANTS (includes Personal Information, Projects, Publishing, Intellectual Property (IP), Supervision, Teaching, Consultation and Community Service) |
IIUM Announcement/MyGRANTS | Researcher/RMC (Verification) |
3 Dec 2024/Tue | Call for Preparation for Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) 2025 Draft Proposal | IIUM Announcement | RMC/HoR/Researcher |
3 Dec 2024/Tue | Researcher Profile Update on MyGRANTS (includes Personal Information, Projects, Publishing, Intellectual Property (IP), Supervision, Teaching, Consultation and Community Service) |
IIUM Announcement/MyGRANTS | Researcher/RMC (Verification) |
3 Jan 2025/Fri | FRGS Grant Opening Notification | IIUM Announcement | RMC |
3 Jan 2025/Fri - 31 Jan 2025/Fri | Preparation of Proposals by Researchers | MyGrants | Researcher |
TBD | Workshop for IIUM Internal Evaluators | Physical | RMC IIUM Internal Evaluator |
3 Feb 2025/Mon - 7 Feb 2025/Fri | Evaluation of Proposals by the University Level Evaluation Panel | MyGrants | IIUM Internal Evaluator |
10 Feb 2025/Mon - 12 Feb 2025/Wed | Improvement of the Proposals by the Researchers | MyGrants | Researcher |
13 Feb 2025/Thu - Wed 19 Feb 2025 | Re-Evaluation of Proposals by University Level Evaluator Panel | MyGrants | IIUM Internal Evaluator |
20 Feb 2025/Thu - 25 Feb 2025/Tue | Assessment of Proposals by RMC,IIUM | MyGrants | RMC/Researcher |
26 Feb 2025/Wed | Preparation of FRGS Application Masterlist | MyGrants | RMC |
27 Feb 2025/Thu | Submit the Proposals to MOHE | MyGrants | RMC |
5. FRGS Manual-SingleDisciplinary GrantApp Manual
Should you need further information, please contact us at grantapplication@iium.edu.my
Thank you.

Greetings from the Academy of Sciences Malaysia.
Dear YBhg Academician/ Tan Sri/ Datuk/ Dato’/ Professor/ Dr/ Sir/ Madam,
In honour of the late Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh's legacy, Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh (RBS) Medical Research Trust Fund was established through funds bequeathed by Dr Ranjeet himself, to encourage and enhance research activities, particularly in the fields of medical and biomedical sciences. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) serves as the custodian of the Fund, with the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) as the implementing agency for its programmes.
This year, the RBS Medical Research Grant will be awarded to one (1) Malaysian young scientist, with a maximum grant amount of RM 50,000.00. The call for applications is open from 2 January 2025 and closes on 28 February 2025 at 11.59 PM. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
MOSTI and ASM are pleased to invite young Malaysian scientists in the fields of medical or biomedical research from your institution to apply for the 2025 RBS Research Grant via the following link:
For further information and inquiries, you may contact the following ASM Officials:
Ms Natasha Kaie, Senior Analyst, STI Strategic Initiatives, Analytics and Partnership (SAP) (Email: natashakaie@akademisains.gov.
my ; Tel: 03 6203 0633 ext 155); and
Ms Adlin Sofea, Analyst, STI Strategic Initiatives, Analytics and Partnership (SAP) (Email: adlin.sofea@akademisains.gov.
my ; Tel: 03 6203 0633 ext 131).
Kindly find the official letter and other details for the through this link: RBS 2025
Note: Please record your application submitted for the grant with RMC here
Thank you.

We are pleased to inform you of the OPENING of Public-Private Research Network 2.0 (PPRN 2.0) for the year 2025 (PHASE 1/2025).
Opening date |
7 Jan 2025 (Tuesday) |
Closing date for online submission to RMC
(20 Jan 2025/Monday) |
Internal Evaluation
Researcher improve proposal
Internal Evaluation
Final recommendation by RMC to MOHE through the PPRN system
21 Jan 2025(Tuesday) – 28 Jan 2025(Tuesday)
29 Jan 2025(Wednesday) – 31 Jan 2025(Friday)
3 Feb 2025(Monday) – 5 Feb 2025(Wednesday)
7 Feb 2025 (Friday) |
MOHE Closing Date |
9 Feb 2025 (Sunday)
Method of application
Online through the following link:
PPRN Telegram |
Link for telegram for inquiry on online application system https://t.me/+qP2E_NS2ehpmNTM1
PPRN System Walkthrough |
PPRN Guideline |
The Public Private Research Network known as PPRN is an innovative initiative of the Ministry of Higher Education to encourage demand-based innovation programs in driving increased productivity and strengthening the development of Malaysia's economy since 2014.
PPRN website https://epprn.mohe.
For further inquiries on the grant application, please email to pprn@mohe.gov.my cc grantap
Thank you. Wassalam.

- How SEP supports long-term sustainability practices across different sectors.
- SEP's contributions to promoting Sustainable Living at the community or national level, fostering economic resilience and thriving within their environmental limits.
- Aligning SEP with the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) in Southeast Asia.
- Exploring other Values and Frameworks similar to SEP that enhanceequitable development.
- How SEP fosters Intercultural Understanding and Related issues in the context of sustainability.
- USD 4,000 research funding for meaningful studies on SEP and sustainable development
- Opportunities to present findings at SEAMEO SEPS and other events
- Access to a network of practitioners and scholars dedicated to SEP and sustainability
Activities Schedule
• Call for submission of research proposals - 25 November 2024
• Period for submission of proposals - 25 November 2024 to 28 February 2025
• Deadline for proposal submission - 28 February 2025
• Entry evaluation, shortlisting, and selection - 1 March 2025 to 30 April 2025
• Announcement of grant recipients - 30 April 2025
• Start of research implementation -1 May 2025
• Presentation of findings at SEAMEO SEPS and other events -TBC
- Completed Application Form
- Recorded Video (3–5 minutes)
Contact Person
Ms Abigail Lanceta
Email: l.abigail@seameoseps.
cc research@seameoseps.org/

(a) Information and Communication Technology (ICT);
(b) Technology and Engineering (TK);
(c) Pure and Applied Science (STG);
(d) Health and Clinical Sciences (SKK);
(e) Social Science (SS);
(f) Literature and Specialized Literature (SSI); and
(g) Heritage and Environment (WAS).
The amount of allocation (ceiling) is limited to RM500,000.00 for each project and the permitted research period is one (1) or two (2) years. The allocation and research period requested must match the scope of the research project. The application submitted must also meet the conditions and requirements in the Guidelines (Amended in 2025) and the Dokumen Tadbir Urus Dana Penyelidikan KPT.
Applicants must update and complete the Researcher Profile in the MyGRANTS system (including Personal Information, Projects, Publications, Intellectual Property (IP), Supervision, Teaching, Consultation and Community Service) ) and must be verified by RMC. The Ministry reserves the right to reject applications if the information is not updated or incomplete; and applicants who are Project Leaders for PRGS that have been approved in the previous phase will be given consideration with proof that the projects have completed 100% in the MyGRANTS System and verified by RMC and have completed presenting the Final Report at the JPT KPT level.
Should you need further information, please contact us at grantapplication@iium.edu.
Thank you.

May this email reach you while you are in the best of health and Iman by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.
It is a pleasure to inform you that Malaysia through the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) is a member of the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB). ICGEB is an international intergovernmental organization that helps developing countries carry out research, training and technology transfer activities in the field of genetic engineering and biotechnology based in Trieste, Italy.
In this regard, ICGEB has opened applications for the Collaborative Research Program (CRP) and CRP-ICGEB Early Career Return Grants for the year 2025.
Research Focus
- Basic Life Sciences
- Human Healthcare;
- Industrial & Agricultural Biotechnology; and
- Bioenergy.
All applications can be made online through the link https://isg.icgeb.org/
· General Information & Conditions for Application Call 2025: https://www.icgeb.org/
· CRPs Application Online
Puan Siti Zuhaini binti Abd. Samah (03-8885 8664, zuhaini@mosti.gov.my) or Puan Nurul Hasniza binti Kamaruddin (03-8885 8536, nurulhasniza@mosti.gov.
Research Application Record
For any application submitted for the grant, please record your application in the link below.
Thank you.

Grant Value
Terms & Conditions
- Membership in MTSFB as a registered organization.
- Commit to a 3-year post-grant engagement, including active participation in MTSFB activities and involvement in drafting technical codes.
1. A Digital Future: Integrating IoT, AI, and Digital Twins for Sustainable Innovation (https://mtsfb.org.my/ipdg_
2. Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Greener Telecommunications Infrastructure (https://mtsfb.org.my/ipdg_
How to Apply:
- Visit the Grant Info Page (https://www.mtsfb.org.my/
- Access the Application Form (https://mtsfb.org.my/ipdg-
For any application submitted for the grant, please record your application in the link below.
Looking forward to your innovative proposals!