About IIUM Research Management Centre
- Mission, Vision, Core Values
- Objective
- Functions of RMC
- Directors of RMC
- RMC Structure
To be a World Class Research and Innovation.
To facilitate and support research, publications, and innovation to produce outstanding researchers guided by IIUM core values.
Core Values
At Research Management Centre, we stand by our core values which are Responsible, Mindful and Collaborative.
The Research Management Centre of the International Islamic University Malaysia was established by the University Senate in 1991. The main objective of its establishment was to promote and coordinate the research activities of the University.
The Research Management Centre aims at becoming a leading international centre to promote research that seeks to restore the dynamic and progressive role of the Muslim Ummah in all branches of knowledge, and as such, endeavours to promote research activities within the University and in collaboration with other research and academic institutions and to disseminate research findings through publications, training programmes, seminars and through the print media.
The Research Management Centre is committed to ensuring speedy, quality and efficient services using the most cost-effective methods while utilizing advanced technology and ensuring human resource development.
The objectives of the Research Centre are as follows:
To promote and coordinate research activities of the University and also to conduct basic research for the development and Islamization of knowledge.
To cooperate with other institutions of similar objectives.
To assist in the development and production of teaching materials for the University and elsewhere for the promotion of Islamization.
To organize and conduct applied and policy research for the benefit of this country as well as other countries of the Muslim Ummah and, in particular, for helping the Muslim countries to incorporate Islamic values I different aspects of their activities including economic, financial, social, political and other aspects.
Functions of RMC
In order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the Research Centre has the following functions:
Promote and organize research efforts of the University in a planned, coordinated and organized way.
Co-ordinate Kulliyyah research activities of the University, and conduct in-house research by the research personnel of the Centre whenever desirable.
Organize external research to be conducted by researchers outside the University.
Collect information on fields related to its activities and systematize and disseminate it for the benefit of research activities and public policy of the countries concerned.
Provide occasional short courses/training/workshop on research methodology for academic staff of the University.
Undertake any other activity which may help achieve the objectives of the Centre.
In order to conduct and co-ordinate research activities of the University, the Centre does the following:
Prepare the policies, rules, regulations and procedure concerning the conduct of research and distribution of research grants.
Invite, accept and evaluate research projects for their support by the University.
Provide logistics support including secretarial services, research assistance, etc.
Monitor the progress of research projects and help overcome any problem facing the implementation of projects.
Monitor the progress of research projects and help overcome any problem facing the implementation of projects.
Directors of RMC
Prof Dr. Amir Akramin bin Shafie
2015 - 2021
Prof. Ratnawati Mohd Asraf
2012 - 2014
Prof. Dato' Dr. Alias Abdullah
2011 - 2012
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ridza Wahiddin
2006 - 2010
Prof. Dr. Mohamad Sahari Nordin
2001 - 2006
Prof. Dato' Sri. Dr. Syed Arain Idid
1999 - 2000
Emeritus Prof. Dr. Abdullah Hassan
1997 - 1998
Prof. Dr. Louay M.Sar
1995 - 1997
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Achoui
1991 - 1995
Prof. Dr. Abul Hassan M. Sadeq