DEADLINE: 31st May 2025, Call for Proposal for Malaysia Toray Science Foundation (MTSF) Program

DEADLINE: 31st May 2025, Call for Proposal for Malaysia Toray Science Foundation (MTSF) Program
- For energetic and creative young Malaysian researchers.
- Aged below 40.
- Engaged in a basic fundamental scientific research field at a research facility in Malaysia.
- Residing in Malaysia.
- Individual or Group effort.
- Excludes clinical medicine and mathematics.
We strongly advise that all interested applicants read and understand the “Online Submission Guide” carefully, before submitting their application forms online to MTSF.
To be processed, assessed and judged on-line, only scanned applications submitted via this website are acceptable. Application forms posted/couriered to the Secretariat in hard copies will not be considered/processed.
- Please download and complete the application form (in Word Format).
- Obtain the necessary signature and chop/approval from the relevant institutions/authorities.
- Scan the entire completed forms (in pdf file) and submit online via this website.
- For easy of identification, please named/saved the duly completed application form in the following standard format/samples
- Science & Technology Research Grant-Name of Main Researcher-University/
Institution-Year of Application (STRG-ahmad-IIUM- 2025) - Please adhere to the requirements when submitting online. All mandatory fields have to be filled/completed.
- Please check the contents thoroughly before submitting online, as any alteration or re-submission thereafter will be rejected in total.
- Upon successful submission, the applicant will be acknowledged with a reply email from the Secretariat with a given reference number, for future references.
- The application for MTSF Awards and Grants shall stay open from 1st January and closes on the 31 May annually. After the midnight of 31st May, the online feature shall log off automatically. Please submit your application early to avoid any disappointment.
- Nominations/applications are to be endorsed by the authorized representative of the university. Please submit the form to
my at least 3 working days before the deadline. - Once the application has been submitted to the secretariat, please record the proposal submission HERE.
Malaysia Toray Science Foundation
Tel : (+604) 385 4151 Fax: (+604) 385 4194
Email : Website :