IIUM Research

IIUM Research

Image of Deadline: Thursday/10 April 2025, ASEAN Research Collaboration Project
Updated At: 19 Mar 2025 10:32:30 241
Deadline: Thursday/10 April 2025, ASEAN Research Collaboration Project



السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ 
May this email reach you while you are in the best of health and Iman by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.

Dear Prof./Assoc. Prof./ Dr./Mr./Ms.,


Applications for Round 1 of the International Education Innovation Fund (IEIF) ASEAN Research Collaboration Project are now open. The project aims to support high-achieving international post-doctoral early career researchers to participate in commercially focused research in Australia, in shared priority areas including;

  • agriculture and food, 
  • resources and energy, 
  • infrastructure, and 
  • the green economy.

Selected recipients will receive up to AU$20,000 each to complete a 1-3 month research placement at an Australian research institution. All internship recipients will receive any benefits in Australian Dollars:

- Establishment allowance: $3,500 (paid once to cover for travel and visa costs)
- Monthly stipend: $4,000 (paid up to the maximum program duration on a pro-rata basis)
- Monthly family allowance: $1,500* (paid up to the maximum program duration on a pro-rate basis) *if applicable
Host organisations are eligible for a $1,000 subsidy per intern to cover potential research consumables such as laboratory equipment, subscriptions, service level agreement (SLA) fees for desks/IT access and field works costs for the ECRs interning with the organisations. This amount will be transferred upon receipt of agreed KPIs and milestones


Recipients will have the opportunity to expand their professional networks and have access to leading academics, facilities, and equipment in Australia to develop their own research interests and competencies. This opportunity will build long term commercially oriented research partnerships between ASEAN members and Australia.


Applications open: 3 March 2025.

Applications close: 23:59 (AEST) 10 April 2025.


Eligiblity Requirements

To be eligible for internship funding, applicants must:

  1. Be a citizen and/or permanent resident of an ASEAN member state
  2. Not be an Australian citizen and/or permanent resident
  3. Have completed a PhD degree or equivalent within the eight years prior to applying to participate in this initiative (i.e., PhD was conferred from March 2017 onwards)
  4. Be available to commence their proposed program in Australia after 2 June 2025 and complete the internship by 29 August 2025
  5. Provide a research proposal which falls under one of the eligible research focus areas
  6. Provide all relevant supporting documentation in English
  7. Obtain a placement offer from an approved host Australian research organisation (list provided in the IEIF – ASEAN Research Collaboration Project 2025 Guidelines (PDF 649 KB))
  8. Meet the eligibility requirements to apply for and hold the relevant visa issued by the Department of Home Affairs


Application process

Only applications containing all required supporting documentation will be assessed. Please include:

1. Applicant Nomination Form by nominated Australian host organisation
2. An English translation if the original document is not in English (This applies to all supporting documentation)
3. Certified copy of citizenship/ permanent residency
4. Certified copy of academic transcripts
5. Two referee letters (from referees listed above)
6. Research CV and list of publications
7. Provide a copy of your current passport
8. Evidence of language suitability (if applicable)
Please send this application form and all supporting documents to ieif.asean@rmit.edu.au and record your application with IIUM HERE.

If you have any queries please contact ieif.asean@rmit.edu.au

Please note that they will email all successful and unsuccessful applicants regarding the outcome of their application by 2 May 2025.

For more information, please visit: International Education Innovation Fund – ASEAN Research Collaboration Project - RMIT University


Thank you.