السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
May this email reach you in the best of health and Iman by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Dear YBhg. Tan Sri/ Dato’/ Prof./ Dr./Sir./ Mdm.
This is to inform you that Protemp Exhibitions and Conferences Sdn Bhd will be organizing the MTE 2023 (Sustainable Development Goals International Innovation Awards & Expo) via virtual event from 18 - 20 October 2023. For those who are interested to participate please kindly observe the details as follows:
Submission Date to RMC : 18 August 2023
Submission to MTE : 10 September 2023
Event : 18 - 20 October 2023
Announcement of Results : 20 October 2023
We would like to advise those who have not patented their invention, please do so in order to safeguard your invention. The RMC will not be liable if your invention will be imitated or copied by others. The link for registration is as follows https://rmsv2.iium.
For those who are interested, you need to fill up the Microsoft form at the link below
Deadline for Submission to RMC: 18th August 2023

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
May this email reach you in the best of health and Iman by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
The Technology Transfer Office (TTO), Research Management Centre would like to congratulate the following researchers for winning Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE SDG) 2023 - Sustainable Development Goals International Innovation Awards and Expo
1) Prof. Ts. Dr. Hazleen Anuar from Kulliyyah of Engineering for winning MTE SDG 2023 - Gold Award

May this email reach you in the best of health and Iman by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Dear YBhg. Tan Sri/ Dato’/ Prof./ Dr./Sir./ Mdm.
Call for Product Proposals for LIMA 2025 Exhibition – Submission Deadline: 15 September 2024
We are pleased to inform you that the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) has invited IIUM to participate in the upcoming Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA) 2025, scheduled for May 2025. This prestigious event provides a platform to showcase the university’s innovative contributions in maritime, aerospace, defense, security, and safety.
In this regard, MOHE has specifically requested product proposals from IIUM that can be featured at LIMA 2025. We invite you to submit proposals for products relevant to the following key areas:
Key Areas of Relevance:
- Maritime technology
- Aerospace innovations
- Defense systems
- Security and safety solutions
Important Submission Requirement:
To participate, please fill in the Google Form with the necessary product information. The submission deadline is 15 September 2024, and we kindly request all proposals be submitted by this date for shortlisting by the Department of Higher Education (JPT).
Google Form Link : https://forms.gle/
We look forward to receiving your product proposals and showcasing IIUM’s cutting-edge innovations at LIMA 2025. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you for your attention and timely submissions.
Technology Transfer Office
Research Management Centre
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)