Project Leader |
Kulliyyah |
Domain |
Sub Domain |
Project Title |
Amount Approved (RM) |
1. |
Kulliyyah Of Education |
Arts and Applied Arts |
Education |
Pembangunan Kerangka Kompetensi Pendidikan Digital lnsan Sejahtera dalam kalangan Remaja |
95,751.00 |
2. |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. B. M. Helal Uddin |
Kulliyyah Of Pharmacy |
Pure and Applied Science |
Chemistry |
Insight on mechanism of hazardous solvent replacement with binary solvent for the synthesis of benzamide and removal of residual solvent by liquid CO2 |
168,000.00 |
3. |
Dr. Anis Zafirah Binti Mustapa |
Kulliyyah Of Dentistry |
Clinical and Health Sciences |
Dental |
Elucidating the mechanism of Kelulut propolis as an anticandidal, antibiofilm and anti-inflammatory agent using Denture Associated Stomatitis (DAS) model. |
130,945.00 |
4. |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adlina bt Ariffin |
Abdulhamid Abusulayman Kulliyyah Of Islamic Revealed Knowledge And Human Sciences |
Arts and Applied Arts |
Language and Linguistic |
An Alternative Model in Detecting Plagiarism in Academic Writing using the Authorship Attribution Concept |
63,000.00 |
5. |
Prof. Dr. Rafikul Islam |
Kulliyyah Of Economics And Management Sciences |
Social Sciences |
Economics |
Can Zakat, Waqf, Sadaqat, Baitul Maal Institutions be used to Protect Public Health? Proposition of an Integrated Model Using Analytic Hierarchy Process |
76,050.00 |
6. |
Dr. Nor Azwani Mohd Shukri |
Kulliyyah Of Allied Health Sciences |
Social Sciences |
Sociology |
Food insecurity among B40 hemodialysis patients in Pahang: Identifying the determinants, coping strategies, and its association with nutritional status. |
80,000.00 |
7. |
Dr. Azhar Bin Mohd Ibrahim |
Kulliyyah Of Engineering |
Technology and Engineering |
Infrastructure and Transportation |
Formulation of Hybrid Deep Reinforcement Leaming and Fuzzy Logic for Multi-Robot Cooperative Building Emergency Evacuation |
185,400.00 |
8. |
Prof. Dr. Md. Ataur Rahman |
Kulliyyah Of Engineering |
Technology and Engineering |
Mechanical & Manufacturing |
Development of a fuzzy intelligent adaptive autonomous servo- electromagnetic emergency braking system for high-speed electric vehicle |
163,700.00 |
9. |
Dr. Mohammed Abdulmalek Mohammed Aldheeb |
Kulliyyah Of Engineering |
Technology and Engineering |
Aerospace |
Mechanism of near-wall turbulence at low speeds under the conjoined effects of riblets and mass injection |
133,300.00 |
10. |
Dr. Ts. Ahmad Anwar Bin Zainuddin |
Kulliyyah Of Information And Communication Technology |
Technology and Engineering |
Electrical and Electronic |
Formulation of Associating 4D Skeletal-based Hand Gesture Recognition with Hand Rehabilitation Scoring of Stroke Patient for Rehabilitation Internet-of-Things (RIOT) |
100,000.00 |
11. |
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Siti Hajar Yusoff |
Kulliyyah Of Engineering |
Technology and Engineering |
Electrical and Electronic |
Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Flexible Substrate Material via Additive Manufacturing for More Bendable Wearable Antennas |
102,700.00 |
12. |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurziana Binti Ngah |
Kulliyyah Of Science |
Pure and Applied Science |
Materials Science |
Preparation and Charactertzation of Polyacrylonitrile/ |
131,000.00 |
13. |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Normawaty Binti Mohammad Noor |
Kulliyyah Of Science |
Natural and Cultural Heritage |
Marine |
Paleoclimate effects on Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) occurrences based on dinoflagellate cysts abundance and frequency |
100,000.00 |
14. |
Dr. Aniawanis Binti Makhtar |
Kulliyyah Of Nursing |
Clinical and Health Sciences |
Nursing |
Developing a framework to promote preparedness for caregiving in family caregivers of stroke survivors |
92,000.00 |
15. |
Dr. Saheed Abdullahi Busari |
Abdulhamid Abusulayman Kulliyyah Of Islamic Revealed Knowledge And Human Sciences |
Social Sciences |
Business (inc. Accounting,Finance,Marketing, Entrepreneurship) |
A Maqasid Shariah Based Framework for Enhancing Digital Adoption among B-40 Muslim Entrepreneurs in Malaysia |
59,500.00 |
16. |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Asmy Mohd Thas Thaker |
Kulliyyah Of Economics And Management Sciences |
Social Sciences |
Business (inc. Accounting,Finance,Marketing, Entrepreneurship) |
Developing Integrated Waqf-Crowdfunding Model (IWCM) For Business Financing Of Micro Enterprises In Malaysia |
78,400.00 |
17. |
Dr. Jamilah Hanum Binti Abdul Khaiyom |
Abdulhamid Abusulayman Kulliyyah Of Islamic Revealed Knowledge And Human Sciences |
Social Sciences |
Psychology |
The Development of Islamic Mindful Parenting Framework and Module in Promoting Psychological Well-Being of Parents with Atypical Children (IMPPAC) |
119,504.00 |
18. |
Dr. Norazlina Binti Saidin |
Kulliyyah Of Engineering |
Pure and Applied Science |
Materials Science |
Enhanced Radiation Tolerant of Doped Fiber lnscribed Bragg Grating in Neutron Radiation for Sensor Application |
81,700.00 |
19. |
Dr. Mohd Azan Bin Mohammed Sapardi |
Kulliyyah Of Engineering |
Technology and Engineering |
Energy and Green Technology |
The Integration of Turbulence Promoter and loT in Tubular Photobioreactor for The Cultivation of Scenedesmus Sp Microalgae |
75,848.00 |
20. |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fazia Adyani Binti Ahmad Fuad |
Kulliyyah Of Engineering |
Pure and Applied Science |
Biotechnology |
Deciphering the Mechanism of Chitin as a Potent Inhibitor of Human Hexokinase lsoform 2 for Improved Anti-Dengue Therapeutics |
160,965.00 |