Dear respected researchers,
Please be informed that the MPM (Malaysia Petroleum Management) is currently organizing a Technology, Application Replication (TAR) event focused on Digital Technology. They are inviting our researchers to share your latest digital solutions. Specifically they would like to hear insights on how these innovations have improved efficiency, especially from a Decarbonization perspective, and the domains where they have been effectively deployed. The details of the event are as follows
TAR Digital Dialogue 2023
Date: 30th November 2023
Location: Kuala Lumpur
THEME: Digital Innovations – Applications and Replication in Oil & Gas
The theme for Digital TAR Dialogue 2023 is “Digital Innovations – Applications and Replication in Oil & Gas” where innovations focus on novel and creative applications and how these can be replicated or scaled across the industry.
The Digital TAR Dialogue 2023 aims to focus on the digital technology application/replication in the area of Development, Production and Decarbonization.
Decarbonization focus area:
- CCUS: Digital twins of facilities to simulate and optimize CCUS processes, enhancing their efficiency and effectiveness
- Emission Reduction: Automated reporting systems, predictive of equipment failures and inefficiencies that might lead to excess emission
- Energy Efficiency: AI can analyze operational data to identify inefficiencies and suggest optimizations, thereby reducing energy consumption and associated emissions.
Participants: Industry player and Malaysia O&G operator
In view of limited seats; they will be selecting the best digital solution paper to be presented during the event.
Please email your paper to A.H Asari B Ramli at
- Title of the paper
- Brief description
For further information, kindly contact A.H Asari B Ramli asari_ramli@petronas.