In a world marked by rapid technological advancements and ever-evolving research methodologies, tasks of an ethics committee becomes even more crucial. As we delve into new frontiers of knowledge, we must be unyielding in our dedication to ethical considerations, As the Chairman of IREC, I reaffirm our collective commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards in all human research endeavours.

Human research is research about people or their data or tissues. It can include: taking part in surveys, interviews or focus groups; undergoing psychological, physiological or medical testing or treatment; being observed by researchers; the collection and use of participants’ body organs, tissues or fluids and access to their personal documents or other materials.

Research lie not only in the pursuit of knowledge and advancement, but also in the profound responsibility to ensure the well-being and dignity of the individuals who willingly participate in our studies. It is with this understanding that our Ethics Committee was established – to provide a rigorous and comprehensive review process that safeguards the rights, autonomy, and welfare of every human participant.

I urge you’ll to approach your research endeavours with unwavering integrity and empathy. Prioritize informed consent, confidentiality, and respect for cultural nuances in a multicultural society like ours in every step of your work. Our committee stands ready to provide guidance, support, and ethical insights whenever needed.

IREC’s ultimate goal is to promote high ethical standards in research within IIUM community and the Malaysian scientific community at large.

Prof. Dr. Nasser Muhammad Amjad,
MBBS (Col.), MS (Col.), FRCS (Glasgow), Dip. Islamic Studies (IIUM)

Chairman of IIUM Research Ethics Committee