Welcome Sree Rajee!


We are pleased to extend a warm welcome to Sree Rajee, who has joined RUBICLE. Sree, affiliated with Inbiosis UKM, is presently engaged in a two-week PhD attachment under the guidance of Dr. Nor Azlan. She has been awarded the Malaysia-International Student Scholarship and will be taking part in the ASEAN HPC School in December. We are delighted to have her on board!

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RUBIC is a research unit focusing on Bioinformatics and Computational biology techniques and integration of both experimental and theoretical studies, we also conduct and organize training, seminar, and meeting to share and disseminate knowledge transfer to the wider research community inside and outside IIUM. This will also become a platform to foster interactions and inter-department, inter-kulliyyah within IIUM as well as external research collaborations. This research group aims to emerge as a center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology that involves scientific research breakthroughs in line with IIUM vision and mission according to the national key priority area.

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