ICBME 2023


ICBME 2023

Nine members of RUBIC participated in the 5th International Conference on Biosciences and Medical Engineering 2023 (ICBME2023) in Bali, Indonesia, held on August 30th and 31st, 2023. This conference was jointly organized by the Biosciences Department of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and the Faculty of Agricultural Technology at Universitas Udayana. At the conference, Associate Professor Dr. Azzmer Azzar Abdul Hamid received the Young Scientist Award, and Dr. Nor Faezah Ansari Faezah Ansari was honored with the Best Presenter Award. Additionally, our lab manager and technologist, who are currently under the supervision of RUBIC members Nadiah Abdul Rashid and Che Khairul Hisyam, also achieved the Best Presenter Award during the conference.

Below is the participation of our members:

Preconference Departmental talk: Dr. Khairul Bariyyah Abd Halim & Dr Nurul Hidayah Samsulrizal

Oral Presentations at ICBME2023

Invited Chairperson : Ts. Dr. Nor Faezah Ansari

Invited Chairperson : Dr Najatul Su Ad Abdullah

Invited speakers:

  1. Ts. Dr. Mohd Hamzah Mohd Nasir
  2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noraslinda Muhamad Bunnori
  3. Prof. Ts. Dr. Tengku Haziyamin Tengku Abdul Hamid
  4. Dr. Mohd Faez Sharif
  5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azzmer Azzar Abdul Hamid

Oral presentation:

  1. Nur Nadiah Abdul Rashid
  2. Che Muhammad Khairul Hisyam Ismail
  3. Dr Nor Faezah Ansari
  4. Dr Najatul Su Ad Abdullah

#biotechiium #kulliyyahofscience #biotechresearch #iium #alumnibiotechiium #rubiciium #icbme2023 #udayanauniversity #universititeknologimalaysia

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RUBIC is a research unit focusing on Bioinformatics and Computational biology techniques and integration of both experimental and theoretical studies, we also conduct and organize training, seminar, and meeting to share and disseminate knowledge transfer to the wider research community inside and outside IIUM. This will also become a platform to foster interactions and inter-department, inter-kulliyyah within IIUM as well as external research collaborations. This research group aims to emerge as a center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology that involves scientific research breakthroughs in line with IIUM vision and mission according to the national key priority area.

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