IIUM Research

IIUM Research

Image of Applied Innovation Fund (AIF)
Updated At: 20 Oct 2023 16:44:33 2173
Applied Innovation Fund (AIF)
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ 
May this email reach you while you are in the best of health and Iman by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.
Dear Dato’/Prof./Assoc. Prof./Dr.,
We are pleased to announce that MOSTI is currently inviting researchers to submit applications for Applied Innovation Fund (AIF) via the SISTEM DANA BERSEPADU (SDB). 
The AIF Fund Scheme aims to increase the participation of innovators in innovation activities and encourage technological innovation of products, processes, systems or services potential to be commercialized. The AIF Fund offers funding according to the Technology Readiness Level (TRL). 
TRL is a method to determine the maturity of a technology during a phase program acquisition developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as in Figure 1.

Project proposals under the AIF fund scheme must be between TRL 2- concept formulation up to the level of TRL 9- ready to be developed for commercial use. The details of TRL are in Appendix 1 in the guidelines.

Figure 1: Scope of AIF according to TRL

1.      Energy;
2.      Education;
3.      Water and Food;
4.      Agriculture and Forestry;
5.      Environment and Biodiversity;
6.      Smart Cities and Transportation;
7.      Medicine and Health Care;
8.      Culture, Arts and Tourism;
9.      Business and financial services; and
10. Intelligent Technology and Systems (Engineering and Manufacturing New Generation)
12 -18 Months
RM 500,000.00
Online application through the SDB at this link: https://sdb.mosti.gov.my/sdbcms/. Please refer to the attached guidelines for reference.

For further information, please visit the website: https://sdb.mosti.gov.my/sdbcms/. Should you have any inquiries, please contact AIF secretariat at urusetia.aif@mosti.gov.my/Tel: 603 - 8885 8367 / 8317 / 8552