Dear all SASMEC @IIUM and IIUM communities,
We are pleased to announce the opening of SASMEC @IIUM Research Grant 2024 (SRG 2024). The main objective of the establishment of SASMEC @IIUM Research Grant is to empower research culture in Sultan Ahmad Shah Medical Centre @IIUM (SASMEC @IIUM) as one of the leading teaching hospitals in Malaysia.
The details of the grant are as follows:
Research Areas
1. The focus of this grant is medical and health-related research areas.
2. Research must be conducted in SASMEC @IIUM, or SASMEC @IIUM is included as part of a multicentre research.
3. The research must produce an impact on the social or clinical aspect. Research with beneficial impacts to SASMEC @IIUM will be given priority.
Duration of Research Grant:
The duration of the grant is two (2) years.
Criteria of Eligibility
1. Open to all SASMEC @IIUM staff (Grade 41 and above) and IIUM full-time academic staff.
2. A staff is eligible for only one (1) application as Principal Investigator (PI).
3. A minimum of one (1) co-researcher is required.
4. At least one (1) academic staff is required as a co-researcher if the PI is a non-academician.
5. For non-SASMEC @IIUM staff applicants, at least one (1) SASMEC @IIUM staff or an academician who practises in SASMEC @IIUM must be included as a PI or co-researcher.
6. Junior applicants are encouraged to include senior academicians in the team as mentors.
7. Those who are on study leave or unpaid leave are not entitled to apply.
Grant Amount
The grant ceiling of funding for each proposal is capped at RM 20,000.00.
Required Research Output
1. Researchers are required to publish within the 24-month of the research duration.
2. The required research output are as follows:
(a) One (1) publication in indexed journal; or
(b) One (1) publication in MyCite journal; or
(c) Two (2) publications in non-indexed journals.
Grant Application Procedures
All researchers are kindly invited to apply for this grant by completing the application in the IIUM Research Management System V2.0 (RMSV2) commencing from 18 September 2024 until 15 November 2024 (extended deadline).
Kindly refer to the following documents for further details:
1. SASMEC @IIUM Research Grant (SRG) Terms of Reference and Guidelines for Application
2. SASMEC @IIUM Research Grant 2024 (SRG 2024) Flowchart of Application
3. Research Application Module User Manual
For inquiries, please kindly contact the following staff from the Department of Education and Research (DEAR), SASMEC @IIUM:
1. Sr. Roswati binti Nawi [ | 09-5912510]
2. Sr. Khairunnissa’ binti Imran [ | 09-5912500 ext 1078]
We look forward to receiving your application and we wish you all the best!
Thank you. والسلام
Hospital Director
Sultan Ahmad Shah Medical Centre @IIUM (SASMEC @IIUM)