1 month ago

Updated At:
15 Jan 2025 12:12:11
15 Jan 2025 12:12:11
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
May this email reach you while you are in the best of health and Iman by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.
Dear YBhg. Tan Sri/ Dato’/ Prof./ Dr./Sir./ Mdm.,
We are pleased to announce the opening of PRGS for the Year 2025. Below is the PGRS activities schedule for your attention.
The 2025 PRGS application is based on the following seven (7) research domains:
(a) Information and Communication Technology (ICT);
(b) Technology and Engineering (TK);
(c) Pure and Applied Science (STG);
(d) Health and Clinical Sciences (SKK);
(e) Social Science (SS);
(f) Literature and Specialized Literature (SSI); and
(g) Heritage and Environment (WAS).
The amount of allocation (ceiling) is limited to RM500,000.00 for each project and the permitted research period is one (1) or two (2) years. The allocation and research period requested must match the scope of the research project. The application submitted must also meet the conditions and requirements in the Guidelines (Amended in 2025) and the Dokumen Tadbir Urus Dana Penyelidikan KPT.
Applicants must update and complete the Researcher Profile in the MyGRANTS system (including Personal Information, Projects, Publications, Intellectual Property (IP), Supervision, Teaching, Consultation and Community Service) ) and must be verified by RMC. The Ministry reserves the right to reject applications if the information is not updated or incomplete; and applicants who are Project Leaders for PRGS that have been approved in the previous phase will be given consideration with proof that the projects have completed 100% in the MyGRANTS System and verified by RMC and have completed presenting the Final Report at the JPT KPT level.
(a) Information and Communication Technology (ICT);
(b) Technology and Engineering (TK);
(c) Pure and Applied Science (STG);
(d) Health and Clinical Sciences (SKK);
(e) Social Science (SS);
(f) Literature and Specialized Literature (SSI); and
(g) Heritage and Environment (WAS).
The amount of allocation (ceiling) is limited to RM500,000.00 for each project and the permitted research period is one (1) or two (2) years. The allocation and research period requested must match the scope of the research project. The application submitted must also meet the conditions and requirements in the Guidelines (Amended in 2025) and the Dokumen Tadbir Urus Dana Penyelidikan KPT.
Applicants must update and complete the Researcher Profile in the MyGRANTS system (including Personal Information, Projects, Publications, Intellectual Property (IP), Supervision, Teaching, Consultation and Community Service) ) and must be verified by RMC. The Ministry reserves the right to reject applications if the information is not updated or incomplete; and applicants who are Project Leaders for PRGS that have been approved in the previous phase will be given consideration with proof that the projects have completed 100% in the MyGRANTS System and verified by RMC and have completed presenting the Final Report at the JPT KPT level.
2. Dokumen Tadbir Urus Dana Penyelidikan KPT
3. PRGS Presentation Slides (Workshop with Prof Hamidi)
4. Lens.org Presentation Slides
6. LOI Template
6. A SHARING SESSION ON PROTOTYPE RESEARCH GRANT SCHEME (PRGS) AND PATENT EXPLORATION USING LENS.ORG. Link for the registration, CLICK HERE. The Zoom Link will be given to the registered participants prior to the event. Please submit the registration form by 20th Jan 2025.
Should you need further information, please contact us at grantapplication@iium.edu.my
Thank you.
Should you need further information, please contact us at grantapplication@iium.edu.
Thank you.