IIUM Research

IIUM Research

Image of Deadline: Tuesday,15 April 2025, NEF Research Grant Programme
Updated At: 03 Mar 2025 13:00:16 241
Deadline: Tuesday,15 April 2025, NEF Research Grant Programme
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ 
May this email reach you while you are in the best of health and Iman by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.
YBhg. Tan Sri / Dato' / Prof. / Assoc. Prof. / Dr. / Sir / Madam / Br. / Sr. ,
The Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (NEF), founded in 1989, is dedicated to promoting nature conservation in developing countries, mainly in the Asia-Paci c region. To achieve this, the Foundation provides scholarship programmes for university students and grant programmes for researchers.
Research Grant Programme
The NEF Research Grant Programme provides financial support for scientific research projects that deepen our understanding of nature, ecosystems, and biodiversity in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. This programme aims to enhance the research capabilities of young researchers in the region. It is open to individual researchers and doctoral students who prepare and implement their research proposals independently.

The maximum grant amount is 1,000,000 Japanese yen per project, with a maximum duration of two years. The application deadlines for the year 2025 are 15 April 2025 and 14 October 2025. For detailed information about this programme, please refer to the "Programme Guideline" listed in Forms & Guideline below.

Forms & Guidelines
Programme Guideline(PDF 277KB)
Application form(WORD 55KB)
Budget and timetable (EXCEL 31KB)
Applicant's background (WORD 32KB)
The NEF hopes that young researchers will take advantage of this grant opportunity to improve their skills, expand their knowledge, and gain valuable experience through their research work.
Applicants are required to submit the documents below:
 two (2) copies of a completed Application form, one in MS Word and the other in PDF;
 a filled Budget and timetable in Excel;
 a filled Applicant’s background; and
 one (1) Recommendation letter. (Request to RMC shall be submitted early or at least 3 working days before submitting the application to the grant secretariat)
If desired, the following items are acceptable as supplementary materials: electronic map images with captions, less than 700 KB in file size; and one (1) scientific paper published in a peer-reviewed
journal and listed under ‘4. Selected publications’ of Applicant’s background. Other items will be discarded.

The required documents mentioned above should be submitted to the NEF Secretariat by e-mail (secretariat@nagaofoundation.or.jp). Once the application has been submitted to the funder, please record the proposal submission HERE.
If you have any questions or concerns about our programmes, please feel free to contact the NEF Secretariat by e-mail (secretariat@nagaofoundation.or.jp) cc grantapplication@iium.edu.my.
Thank you.