1 year ago

Updated At:
20 Oct 2023 11:25:18
20 Oct 2023 11:25:18
In Malaysia participation from industry is a MUST, but either industry player or academia can be the project lead.
In Spain, the participants will have to submit a formal R&D international project application through CDTI’s website https://sede.cdti.gob.es/
In Malaysia, submission must be done through MIGHT’s online application system at https://applications.might.org.my/e/mysip , email to danakhas.bkpi@mohe.gov.my cc grantaplication@iium.edu.my and the hard copy documents, have to be mailed to:
up to 70% if you are a micro or small business
up to 60% if you are a medium-sized business
up to 50% if you are a large business
Launch of Call for Proposals: 18th September 2023
Deadline for Submission of completed applications: 18th January 2024; 12:00 CET / 19:00 Malaysia time
Eligibility feedback to applicants: 25th January 2024
Label concession (estimated): June 2024
Malaysian side (MOHE)
Ms. Dinesh Kaur a/p Karpal Singh Department of Higher Education
E-mail: dinakaur@mohe.gov.my
Ms. Nor Amira Farhana Ahmad Zailani Department of Higher Education
E-mail: amira.zailani@mohe.gov.my
Mr. Adrián Gutiérrez
Delegation of CDTI to China and Southeast Asia
Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology - CDTI
E-mail : malasia@cdti.es
Website: www.cdti.es
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
May this email reach you while you are in the best of health and Iman by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.
Dear respected researchers,
It is a pleasure to inform you that the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) through the Department of Higher Education (DOHE) in collaboration with the Malaysian Industry Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) and The Center for the Development of Industrial Technology, E.P.E. (CDTI) Spain will implement the Malaysia-Spain Innovating Program (MySIP) in 2023 under the Malaysia Partnerships and Alliances in Research (MyPAiR) initiative. The opening of this application is specifically for the implementation of innovation project cooperation in the following:
Thematic areas
a) Sustainable City Development;
b) Economy based on Knowledge;
c) Advanced Manufacturing and Materials;
d) Health;
e) Electrical & Electronics;
f) Aerospace; and
g) Smart Agriculture.
a) Sustainable City Development;
b) Economy based on Knowledge;
c) Advanced Manufacturing and Materials;
d) Health;
e) Electrical & Electronics;
f) Aerospace; and
g) Smart Agriculture.
Potential projects will be funded by MIGHT, MOHE and CDTI in Spain. The proposal must be industry-driven and market-oriented R&D projects, joint technological co-operation projects between companies, research organizations, academia in Malaysia and industrial partners (start-ups, SMEs, and large companies), in Spain consisting in the development or substantial improvement of new products, processes or services will be considered.
Malaysia and Spain, due to their bi-lateral nature, projects should demonstrate equivalence in efforts from the Malaysian and Spanish partners. The proposal should have one common work plan with both the Malaysian and Spanish partners having key roles and responsibilities, equating to the equivalent time and costs accrued in both countries. The proposal and other supporting documents must be in English language.
Documents Required:
1. Malaysian and Spanish co-applicants must elaborate a single project proposal application (Annex 1 – Application Form).
MOA Form 9, as proof the business is registered with Companies Commission of Malaysia.
SSM Documents
Company Profile
2. Draft Consortium Agreement (template provided)
3. Malaysian companies will have to submit specific documents required by MIGHT:

Joint R&D&I proposals must be submitted to CDTI and MIGHT, by 18th January 2024; 12:00 CET / 19:00 Malaysia time in order to consider the eligibility. Unilaterally submitted proposals shall not be considered.
In Spain, the participants will have to submit a formal R&D international project application through CDTI’s website https://sede.cdti.gob.
In Malaysia, submission must be done through MIGHT’s online application system at https://applications.might.
Bahagian Kecemerlangan Penyelidikan IPT
Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi
Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi
Aras 7, No.2, Menara 2, Jalan P5/6, Presint 5
62200 Putrajaya
No. Tel : 03-8870 6969
E-mel : danakhas.bkpi@mohe.gov.my
Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi
Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi
Aras 7, No.2, Menara 2, Jalan P5/6, Presint 5
62200 Putrajaya
No. Tel : 03-8870 6969
E-mel : danakhas.bkpi@mohe.gov.my
As the documents require a recommendation from RMC, please submit your complete documents to us by Tuesday, 2nd January 2024 for our review.
MIGHT will fund 1 project for each thematic area, with MYR500,000.00 for each project which is equivalent to €106,120.00. The funding for your eligible project cost would be:

Malaysian academics will be funded according to MOHE funding guidance in MOHE funding guidance in Annex 2 and Annex 3. MIGHT and MOHE will fund the Malaysian partners while CDTI will fund the Spanish partners.
Project Duration
2 years

Malaysian side (MIGHT)
Mrs. Noran Wahida Jamaludin
Malaysian Industry Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT)
E-mail: noran@might.org.my
Mrs. Noran Wahida Jamaludin
Malaysian Industry Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT)
E-mail: noran@might.org.my
Malaysian side (MOHE)
Ms. Dinesh Kaur a/p Karpal Singh Department of Higher Education
E-mail: dinakaur@mohe.gov.my
Ms. Nor Amira Farhana Ahmad Zailani Department of Higher Education
E-mail: amira.zailani@mohe.
Spanish side (CDTI)
Mr. Ricardo Rubianes
Unit of Foreign Technological Action Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology - CDTI
Phone: +34 91 581 04 89
Mr. Ricardo Rubianes
Unit of Foreign Technological Action Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology - CDTI
Phone: +34 91 581 04 89
Mr. Adrián Gutiérrez
Delegation of CDTI to China and Southeast Asia
Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology - CDTI
E-mail : malasia@cdti.es
Website: www.cdti.es
Thank you.