1 year ago

Updated At:
11 Mar 2024 10:27:00
11 Mar 2024 10:27:00
3. An online application system that facilitates the process for any service application for citizens
4. Automated system for application processing and online government services with a clear audit trail
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
May this email reach you while you are in the best of health and Iman by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.
Dear YBhg. Tan Sri/ Dato’/ Prof./ Dr./Sir./ Mdm.,
The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysia is inviting researchers to apply for the Strategic Research Fund - Request For Proposal SRF-RFP 1 & SRF-RFP 2.
The Strategic Research Fund (SRF) is a funding scheme in the form of grants to fund strategic research and high-impact top-down initiatives for the country based on current priority areas that have been identified. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) has taken the initiative to further strengthen the SRF scheme by applying through the request for proposal (RFP) method. Through this method, a solution for a specific problem or purpose can be obtained.
Strategic Research Fund - Request for Proposal (SRF-RFP) aims to provide funds to finance projects that support the implementation of policies, roadmaps, action plans or government initiatives through the RFP. Solutions for specific problem statements in the form of new innovative technologies, products or processes are expected to have a significant impact on the country's socioeconomics in line with the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (DSTIN).
The Strategic Research Fund (SRF) is a funding scheme in the form of grants to fund strategic research and high-impact top-down initiatives for the country based on current priority areas that have been identified. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) has taken the initiative to further strengthen the SRF scheme by applying through the request for proposal (RFP) method. Through this method, a solution for a specific problem or purpose can be obtained.
Strategic Research Fund - Request for Proposal (SRF-RFP) aims to provide funds to finance projects that support the implementation of policies, roadmaps, action plans or government initiatives through the RFP. Solutions for specific problem statements in the form of new innovative technologies, products or processes are expected to have a significant impact on the country's socioeconomics in line with the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (DSTIN).
STRATEGIC RESEARCH FUND: RFP 1: Decision Support System with Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Key Government Agencies
Budget: 5 Million
Expected Research Output:
1. Implement a digital platform for efficient collection, organization,and analysis of government agency data.
2. Implementation of AI decision models for agency strategic decision-making.3. An online application system that facilitates the process for any service application for citizens
4. Automated system for application processing and online government services with a clear audit trail
Please click HERE for further details.
STRATEGIC RESEARCH FUND: RFP 2: Adaptive Learning Interventions based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Support Personalized and Flexible Education
Budget: 15 Million
Expected Research Output:
1. AI systems that are assistive, augmentation, autonomous to support the implementation of personalized and adaptive learning.
2. All AI components need to go through a risk assessment and have a human-in-the-loop AI protocol that also complies with the principles of responsible AI use, in the Development phase, before implementation and during deployment.
3. Users need to be equally involved in all phases of the production of the AI product as well as monitoring and auditing the use of the system.
4. The data security must prioritized the institution infrastructure. The solution should consider the concept of open as possible and close as necessary through national platform such as Malaysia Open Science Platform and data.gov.my
5. Mechanisms for monitoring the use of AI systems including through impact studies need to be managed together with stakeholders and strategic partners.
6. Implications for learning science, education services and other metrices determined by the stakeholders must be addressed (such as the appropriateness of automated grading by AI that may result in students not receiving the necessary guidance from educators, as well as educators not being able to deeply understand student achievement and needs from time to time).
7. Applications involving competency development must be reported and take into account the AI talent development strategy at the national level.
Applicants must deliver all the above expected outputs. Long-term impact:
1) The use of AI tools to support the implementation of flexible and personalized learning
2) Improvements in the guidance approach of student development and the automation of educator tasks
3) Educators and academic administrators who are data and AI literate
4) Implementation of a responsible AI-based education system
Please click HERE for further details.
For further details of the grants, please visit the website: https://sdb.mosti.gov.my/sdbcms/srf-rfp/
For any inquiry, you may email the secretariat at urusetia.srf@mosti.gov.my / helpdesk-sdb@mosti.gov.my/03-8885 8315/ 8704 / 8258 / 8327
In addition, researchers may make appointments with MOSTI. Please refer to the details:
Thank you.