In accordance with the Biosafety Act 2007 and Biosafety Regulations 2010, all institutions, including universities, research institutes, and private companies dealing with Living Modified Organisms (LMO/rDNA) and infectious agents/materials, must adhere to these regulations to ensure the safety of users, customers, and the environment. The IIUM Institutional Biosafety and Biosecurity Committee (IBBC) was established to oversee biological activities at IIUM, and this guideline is designed to assist IIUM communities involved in biological activities to operate safely and in compliance with the relevant regulations, minimising material-related risks.
It is an offence if a person carries out controlled use activities involving LMO without giving prior notification to the National Biosafety Board (LBK), and only the person who has received the acknowledgement of receipt of the notification issued by the Director General of the Department of Biosafety can carry out activities related to the notification.

IIUM Research Management Centre
International Islamic University Malaysia,
53100, Gombak Campus, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 603 6421 5002/5010
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