IIUM Institutional Biosafety and Biosecurity Committee (IIUM IBBC) is responsible to oversee and review research and teaching that deals with Living Modified Organism (LMO), infectious and potentially infectious agent/materials and biological toxins.
It is formed with the objective of protecting human particularly IIUM community and the environment from the harm of activities related to the biological agents. It is also formed partly because of following the government requirement to adhere to the Biosafety Act 2007, Biosafety (Approval and Notification) Regulation 2010 and other related regulations. IIUM IBBC was registered with National Biosafety Board (NBB) on 9th September 2015.
The IBBC members are appointed by the Rector of IIUM and currently under the purview of Deputy Rector (Responsible Research and Innovation) Office.
Does your research involves
GMO / LMO / high risk microorganism?
Who must apply?
When to apply?
All individuals engaged in research at or under the auspices of IIUM who deals with genetically modified organism (GMO), and living modified organism (LMO).
All related individuals are required to fill in Preliminary Assessment Form and submit to IBBC BEFORE they start working with genetically modified organism (GMO), and living modified organism (LMO).
Biosafety & Biosecurity Activities
Whereas biosafety aims at protecting public health and environment from accidental exposure to biological agents, biosecurity deals with the prevention of misuse through loss, theft, diversion or intentional release of pathogens, toxins and any other biological materials.

Strengthening Biorisk Management in Research Laboratories
6th & 7th August 2023.
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin.
KAHS Biosafety Talk 2023
KAHS Biosafety & Biosecurity Talk on 6th of March 2023 for the Department of Biomedical Science Final Year Project Students. Lecture was given by Br. Hasrul Erwan Nyak Hussain from OSHBE, IIUM Kuantan Campus.
March 6, 2023.
Br. Hasrul Erwan Nyak Hussain (OSHBE).
Biochemistry Laboratory, Level 1, Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences.
target audience
Department of Biomedical Science (DBMS) Final Year Project students.